is it bad if my cpu is running at 100% or gpu?
it might be because it is raining really hard and the wind is going 20mph but my computer keeps crashing and i think it may be one of the 2
69 Replies
It is very bad
can I make it not run at 100%?
You can try
Can you please open task manager
Go yo performance and send a ss
@Hollow night u taking over these things now?

Thats nice
Nah just trying to help while you not there
And since you here you can take over here
Just try to help him
He is waiting
U replied to this thread so u must do it now
my cpu nor gpu arent really nearing the 100%
and its also raining really haard and the wind is really fast
so maybe that might be the problem?
but idk
you think?
Send ss in your Gpu
i did

clipped off

Bro sent evrything but the actual name of the gpu
@jidat help here
Not like it matters but still
Im trying to help when you are not here
Why did u tell them to show a ss of their cpu and gpu?
Because he said gpu and cpu are Running on 100%
Ok and?
That the title
So i try to see the problem
In task manager?
no? I just asked if its bad
It is bad
why did u want to see my gpu?
To see the problem
What else can i do
@Baz when does the utilization become 100%?
If the gpu is being used 100% then thats a good thing (when gaming or doing gpu intensive tasks ofc)
If cpu is getting 100% utilization, its also not so bad. Unless its at 100% when idle
okay so the cpu is not at 100% when idle
its like 20%
but like when im playing a game then it boosts up to around like 80%
When does it get 100%?
Thats not bad
almost never
U said u were having crashes?
but im just thinking that its just the heavy raining and wind
U should check ur cpu and gpu temperatures for that
23 mph wind
How would they cause ur computer to crash?
bc they do ig
how do i check the cpu temp?
Were the crashes when playing valorant?
wdym then?
im js tryna figure out the problem why it does that
I am asking when does it crash
When u are playing games or what?
And which game were u playing
yknow the game deepwoken on roblox
Did the game crash or the whole pc?
whole pc
Was it the blue screen of death?
Or straight up shut down
it just restarted itself
Ok use MSI afterburner to monitor ur temps and utilization when playing games, keep an eye on the temperature when ur pc freezes like that again
But i doubt it has anything to do with the cpu and gpu at all
yeah maybe
Cuz u were just playing roblox
alright well thanks for the help
Do that and if it happens again, ping me here
Is this solved already