VALORANT13mo ago

Recent Ping Issues

so normally i have 20 ping on valorant, but over the last 2 days it will just randomly be at 80-100 ping for hours on end. (sometimes it will just randomly fix or it will just randomly go back up again) restarting my router/computer/etc does nothing and this happens on no other games. and its only been in the last 2-3 days, never in my over 300h of playtime has this ever occured before. any clues?
6 Replies
Guava13mo ago
maybe it’s your server
Olivia13mo ago
it's kinda normal for me actually but if this gets on u alot of times they maybe got some probs coz mine is just for 4days
kasOP13mo ago
I play on NA texas It’s never had problems until like 3-4 days ago but sometimes it will just randomly fix and go back to 20 or mid match it will spike back up to 100 I think it may be on val’s end.. but idk Is it normal for servers to have outages like that near the end of an Act? just tried this, will let you know how it went in a sec!
Olivia13mo ago
kasOP13mo ago
this did nothing for me :(
Saucywan13mo ago
Open cmd (Command Propmt) Enter: ping -t Let it run for a couple of minutes Then press: ctrl + c then send the summary

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