9 Replies
What sorts of devices do you have connected to your computer via USB? Like a mouse and keyboard, but what else? Also what's your keyboard?
(I ask because a device may be emulating a mouse: Valorant only reads from one of the connected mice only.)
i have nthn else connected cos its jst a laptop :MinoriCry:
not sure then 😦
Everything works besides the touch pad
do you also have a mouse plugged in?
then yah; not sure. the only obvious thing is that val only supports a single mouse. You may want to open a ticket with their support: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003209713
You can’t use a laptop track pad thingy because of Valorants Anticheat; it’s detected as a digital mouse or whatever and since many cheats used that somehow its no longer supported
You need to use a mouse
jst got one ty