"ascendent" smurfs in my bronze 2 lobby
They were really toxic and reyna played suspiciously like he had hacks, aces and 4ks everywhere

13 Replies

3 aces
Multiple 4ks
thats the average dia smurf in bronze
Nah bro
He got 4k on pistol
4k on eco
Then ace on the next
He knew where we were
And ge ego swing us all
yeah bro
im asc and i played in a bronze lobby
went 55/12
Does smurfing have penalty?
nope. it's not really disruptive play to smurf because the matchmaker has features to move them to their proper elo.
it's only a problem if a player throws games to lower their mmr. throwing matches is reportable.
Then at this situation, is it the matchmaking fault or is it the players fault at being at such low elos?
what was the match outcome for the game?

not sure what you type of help you are looking for here
while not endorsed, it is perfectly allowed to smurf its just a very scummy thing to do
That's unfortunate; and also a player left on ur team. The matchmaker will raise Reyna's hidden skill rating after that match. Eventually, their matches will have an even scoreline, however they end up in those lobbies. e.g. It could be that Reyna's in a party with someone. You can confirm this on tracker.gg vlr.gg.