Hacked account and banned for it
Hello! About 4 or 5 days ago I was hacked by a discord malware/spyware and all my accounts on the PC were hacked and stolen, such as steam, spotify, roblox accounts, etc... but I have a particular problem with my account. riot since it is not the first time this has happened. About a year ago they threatened to steal my account and that happened and they suspended me if I remember wrongly for 1 month of Valorant. I'm telling this because exactly the same thing happened but now permanently, this is happening to many acquaintances and they get banned for 1 month, but in my case it was permanent and my other accounts were also banned because apparently the people I hacked They used my account to use third-party programs, which from what I investigated, are hacks. I made many tickets and they ignore me saying that they already solved the problem without even an agent speaking to me personally

184 Replies
If your appeal is denied; No one here can help you
Your ban is permanent because this happened to you before. If I read your message correctly
Yeah sorry bro , riot dont care if it was your fualt or not
reply to the ticket that helped u get ur acc back
really?? š
yeah, can't u
yes 1 year ago
they can't because it's a ban appeal, not account recovery
Ban appeals are instantly closed after they're finished
ban appeals will always be ignored when the account was banned for using cheats
they dont care although my situation was a bit of my fualt they still didnt really care
i had cheats from a diff game and riots anti cheat picked it uo
got permed
had to wait 3 months
That's one hundred percent your fault
skill issue
then made a new account
cheating in a diff game?
u didn't restart after using cheats in other games
idk i was supposed to
thus they're still in ur memory
You have to be really stupid not to close vanguard
it was my first time and is def my last
dude who gave it to me gave me no like instructions or nun
but they banned me permanently
for nothing
no your account is perma banned
your hwid banned for 3 months
that means you cantmake a account for 3 months
actually might be longer in your case
its 4 months
not 3
what does it mean
You can't play a Valorant on any account
wath is hwid?
Your hard ware ip is banned from making a valorant account
If you do we'll get Insta banned
hardware id
yeah that
it's not about ip addresses only
I don't understand anything, can someone explain to me in clear text (I'm from Colombia)
u don't need to understand
create ticket with another account
you cant make a account because they banned you from making it
another topic
and see
yes bro
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
ok, and?
wdym ok and?
wath is topic?
But what does it have to do with not being able to make new accounts?
they put a marker on your hardware for 4 months
ou cant make a new account for 4 months
because you are hwid banned
And when 4 months pass, what happens?
you will be perma banned on those accounts too
u can still create accounts but they're likely to get banned if u login to riot client
so just create it on the website
and create a ticket
but when I make new accounts they instantly ban it
you just cant use it for val
And how can I create another account and play Valorant?
or i cant?
you have to wait the 4 months
you can make a new riot acocunt
you just can use it for valorant
until you wait your hwid bann which is most likely 4 months from now
After 4 months, I create an account and will I be able to play Valorant?
he wants his account to be unbanned bud
Yes, that too
You wont be unbanned
so all that money you spent goes bye bye
technically u can
u just have to get to an agent
You can be
it wont be unbanned
u can
i tried
I have other dudes, it's proven
You have hacks on your computer. Why would they unban you
u have serious skill issue
okay, to summarize, I have been banned from IP for 4 months or more and when I will be unbanned, can I create another account and play again?
so just shut
I had hacks on my computer
for a different game
they dont care is my point
99% of perma bans wont be revoked
You're not ip banned. You're hardware banned
ignore this raka guy
and what is the difference? how can I solve it
Because 99% of them. Are cheating
you can change your ip
not your hardware
u can't solve hwid ban
I waited my time and made a new account
create another account on the website, and don't log in that account into riot client
its your hardware
and create ur ticket from there
remove this message
hardware is whats inside your pc
likely u can get an agent there
okay and what do I tell them?
so they can help u solve ur issue
yeah i just realised thats not a good thing to say lmao
about the ban on ur account
give information as much as u can
just wait the time , you can try to get your account back
but if not just focus on other things
I create an account without logging in and tell them they banned me from the other account?
give them info
mainly when u got ur account compromised, banned and when u got ur account back
and the ticket numbers
did they change your password?
2 times
send them that
send them anything that proves you were not on your account when you were banned
In other words, I explain to you in the best possible way from another new account what happened to me in my main account
especially the ticket numbers
not only u need to tell
u also need to tell them ur tickets numbers
so they can check and verify
next time get 2fa or something
what u said is real
I can speak to you privately and you tell me if the ones I am going to send you on the ticket are okay?
2nd verification factor
meaning if they get your password they still have to get a code from your gmail or phone number
which should be impossible unless they also hacked your gmail which in that case means you should have different passwords for those
oohh ok
Well, to summarize, I create another account, I talk to them and tell them in as much detail as possible what happened to me on my other account and I send them the ticket numbers I made so they can unban me so they can verify that it's me, and that's it?
should be
be as detailed as possible
anything that lets them know you were not on that account
Do you got val tracker?
Would it be okay if I sent you a photo of my password being changed?
val tracker? wath is that?
would be pointless
just send it to them
So what could I send them?
send them that
previous ticket numbers
the ticket numbers I made before to claim my account?
send them all the emails of all your passwords being changed for those games as well
ye the ticket that helped u got ur account back
waith a minute
things u said must make sense and verifiable
long story won't help, instead give useful info
anything that places you not on the account
if i can , how did they get your password?
did you download a key logger or something?
he said malware distributed through discord
in his post description
I entered a bad discord link, I logged into my gmail account and everything related to that gmail was hacked
ahh okay so a phishing link
next time use 2fa and use your phone number as the verification method
thats links

well thats your first problem
dont click links that are not verified lol
I got a new pc and i have not downloaded anything other than official stuff like epics games , steam
if you ever notice anything funny honestly completly wipe your pc
But you shouldnt need to if you just cclicked a link
Yes, I'm going to do the same thing, I'm going to reset my PC completely and install Windows from 0, I already received a $200 threat 1 year ago
just dont click links and verify the links you click are the official and def dont download anything
thats not verified
Well, now I create the account without logging into the riot application?
lol free Adobe software?
why would u believe that
did you download it?
yes don't login
hold on
the rioit client and valorant? yes
and create a ticket
no the free adobe?
no, I just logged into the page and they hacked me
oh okay good
cause if you did it couldve been a key logger
okay, I don't have to uninstall anything?
yes tath think
just need a browser
oh btw
did u clear browser cookies?
do it
another else?
the malicious website u visited could also steal ur cookies possibly
so clear it
Do I have to do something else?
that should be it
just send them everything that proves you were hacked
change ur passwords
if any of ur account
shares the same
obv if you havent done that
make them all different
and enable 2fa
and make sure it has somethign to do with your phone
no gmail because they can get access to that
I already changed them before
including other platforms?
then enable 2fa for all of them
its annoying but will save you from being hacked
especially ur mail
What should I select? Clarify a suspension or personal restriction?
clarify a suspension
What do I put in the business part?
send it
They hacked my account and banned me. do I put that?
send them everything related
remember to include the ticket numbers
so they can verify
u can find them in the mails they replied to u
Do I send you many screenshots?
I send you screenshots of the tickets I made
nah no need
Just in case I sent it to you anyway? Or are they going to ignore me from so many screenshots that I send them?
they aren't going to verify something through screenshots
since u can modify them
but the ticket numbers
Do I add the number of tickets in the information of the message?
done, I explained exactly the same thing that I put in this post, I sent them the ticket numbers as they said and my purchase receipts and the password change gmails for the applications including riot's
Can someone explain this to me?
@mythea @raka
basically u can't play on this machine
for 4 months
hwid ban usually last 4 months
ooohhh okk
after 4 months i can play but cant use my original account
i need to create a new account
guys thanks for the help really thanks @mythea @raka
yes if ur account still didn't get unban until that day
I love these kind of topics, first of all cheater for other games will always try to cheat for valo. Don't bs me that u cheated on other games but not valo. Once a cheater, always a cheater
Stop yapping that u couldn't play valo anymore bc it's your fault to cheat in the first place
Oh lastly, hwid banned usually last for 4 months, so any acc u try to play on will be banned too. Open ticket with official support to check the exact duration for your hwid ban. If they ignore you or whatever request you make, it means your account won't be unbanned
Even if u got hacked and appeal, chances of getting unbanned it's only 1 time but if happened again then they won't unbanned bc you're being stupid on purpose or you're actually stupid for not learning your past mistakes