Banned or timeout for lagging at the start of games
everytime i join a game i lock in my agent then my game freezes about 5 minutes later it unfreeze which tends to be during the buy phase at the start then when the match finishes i get an afk waning 4 matches later i got a 240 minute timeout is there any way i can resolve this ?
66 Replies
Is ur game on an hdd or ssd?
sorry what is that
Open ur task manager then go to performance and send a photo of ur screen

i played a game of death match then i tried to requeue

Going afk in deathmatches don't give qeue bans
it said i was penilized
It was definitely not cuz of a deathmatch
Do u want to say team deathmatch by any chance?
sorry for mistake this is like my 2nd day of having the game
this is what came up

The long load times are most probably cuz u have a hdd
what is a hdd sorry
Ur storage
i have 3 terror bites of storage
Hdd's are slow and can cause these issues
But its slow
is there any fix
Not rly
Buy an ssd
i will get banned next match
It will be alot faster
are they expensive?
Definitely worth the upgrade
and how to install is it hardware?
U can get a 256 gbs one for like 17-18 bucks
Yes it is hardware
U will need a sata cable and a power connector
To connect it to your power supply and motherboard
im not familiar with that currency GBP
Btw do u have a pc or laptop?
i do not have a pc
So u have a laptop?
its like a hp all in 1 desktop
Its either a laptop or a pc lol
Do u have the big ass box or just a little screen with a little keyboard and a little mousepad
Then what the fuck do u have 💀
1 sec
let me send ss

i ont know what the fuck you call that
@jidat you there?
I can't tell by that
thats the name of it
bit like this

Is there a case on the side of it?
no its all inside i think
I have no fckng idea what that is
I don't even know if u can get an ssd inside that thing
Idk how the hdd is connected inside of it
U can try defragmenting ur current hdd
It won't be that effective
i like this ssd idea i think i could afford one but in your professional opinion would it be applicable
I have no idea how whatevr that thing is works
do you know any1 that might
They are kinda busy rn
Wait 5 mins
I don't wanna ping them rn
ok sorry
Don't be sorry lol
no its my fault i got this shit "computer"
Better than mine still lol
sorry i shouldent act like that
Chill out man
i can requeue but i dont want a ban
I would recommend
Entering practice range each time u open ur valorant
Cuz the first load in time is the longest
It doesn't take as much long to load into ur 2nd game onwards
is there any way ro like lower your graphics setings?
Open settings
Then display
windows settings?
Then graphics quality
No in game

sorry my mistake i dient notice

this is when i opend it
Yeah thats the lowest u can go in that
Go into general
U can turn ur resolution down
But it won't look good
anything i can do thank you
wait i cant
stuck at 1920x1080
wait i fix
turn all the way down?
Ur choice
It will give u a few more frames
But will look horrible
i have only got 1 more 3 hour ban