VALORANTβ€’13mo ago

Help me pick a main

Hi! So I've played a few agents now over the years, but I'm still really struggling to find my perfect fit. For context my playstyle is like stupidly aggressive. I am the guy on the team that will fearlessly entry any site at any time when we decide to commit, but I feel like I just can't find the agent that fits playing in this way. I ego peek everything, and I genuinely just don't really have fun playing this slow methodical dissecting playstyle. So far yoru and phoenix are close, but I'm super uncomfortable on agents like jett and raze. I wouldn't even mind playing an agent that isn't a duelist that fits this kind of hyper aggressive playstyle. In general I am not a support, and I do not have fun without taking fights and always being the point of contact. I'm getting tired of filling just because I "know" every agent's basics. I want to lock in an agent every game and carry with them until I really hit a rank where one player can't win games alone anymore. I know I sound delusional in a way, but I also know some of you could give me at least suggestions for what I'm looking for.
6 Replies
Cxperrβ€’13mo ago
insta lock reyna every game
Ariiβ€’13mo ago
When it comes to exploding on to site it is really only duelists that can do it well, it just depends what kind of entry you want to do, if you want to enter methodically or using movement
Cxperrβ€’13mo ago
Jidatβ€’13mo ago
Explode onto site 😳
Ariiβ€’13mo ago
that is really up to the individual but she does have the single least interesting kit, so while it works to use aggressively it’s not exactly the most fun thing
SeanOPβ€’13mo ago
I think y'all are right tbh, reyna is one of my least played duelists and I did have good games the few times I played her, I just got so turned off by how trash her blinds are. I'll main her for a few weeks, and if you see me back with the same question... You'll know how I felt πŸ˜…. Thanks for the responses I appreciate it!

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