Discrepancy between console server id conventions and Neptune
So I'm working with my test server and on Neptune--and I'm noticing a difference in the type of the T.id field. Is there any way to configure the type of id generated by the gremlin server?

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Amazon Neptune uses strings for all IDs. You can configure a Gremlin Server to also use String IDs. There is a nice writeup here that may be useful (it's from the graph-notebook repo but the steps still apply) https://github.com/aws/graph-notebook/tree/main/additional-databases/gremlin-server
graph-notebook/additional-databases/gremlin-server at main · aws/gr...
Library extending Jupyter notebooks to integrate with Apache TinkerPop, openCypher, and RDF SPARQL. - aws/graph-notebook
3 Replies

This is how it looks in neptune, where T.id is a string.
Amazon Neptune uses strings for all IDs. You can configure a Gremlin Server to also use String IDs. There is a nice writeup here that may be useful (it's from the graph-notebook repo but the steps still apply) https://github.com/aws/graph-notebook/tree/main/additional-databases/gremlin-server
graph-notebook/additional-databases/gremlin-server at main · aws/gr...
Library extending Jupyter notebooks to integrate with Apache TinkerPop, openCypher, and RDF SPARQL. - aws/graph-notebook