91 Replies
Show the error

here is the error
Navigate to ur riot games folder
Then go to valorant/live/shootergame/binariee/win64 and double click on valorant win64 shipping
And see if it shows an error

yeah it shows a error
Hm ok
How many partition drives do u have?
Like those C D or whatevr
And what drive is the riot games folder on
c drive d drive e drive
c drive
All of them are ssd's?
all r them together in hdd ig
Open task manager then go to performance and send an ss
Show the whole screen

Hm its just an hdd
nvm my bad then
Also how are u running valorant on that......
i never runned just downloaded
It was actually mb lol
I don't think it will work for u
it shows any permission error
couldnt it would be fixed
I can try to make ur game run
i have seen the minimum system reqs for valo for 30fps and it matches my specs
hm pls
Ok move ur entire riot games folder to another partition
Move it from C to anything else
D or E or whatevr
ok wait a sec
Close riot client from the background first
it will take some time
i will ping u when its done
@Elite <$β‘ is it done yet?
I am going to sleep now
After the transfer is done
Right click on the valorant icon on ur desktop and change its target from C to whichever drive u moved the folder into
Then double click that same valorant icon
It might tell u to update
Do that and it should work
i got this error
idk how i fixed it lol
i dint open any taskmanager or cmd
i forgot tho
its done now
i just saw nvm!!
now what to do
i cut it and pasted in E drive
idk what to type in target

@jidat sorry for the ping but i will be soon going for sleep thats why i pinged ;-;
also wanna tell the riot client didnt get pasted
it showed try again

the full is not copied sir
what can i do now?
seems like u off
any other helper here?
nvm i have to wait for tomorrow ig
i had to repair it and we on the track again and i shifted again to C drive cuz all files r not going to E drive
and the same issue is going still
i dont think so this will work ;-;
any other option
if this is the only solution pls tell me how to cut all things bcuz all things r not going in another drive
Why aren't they going in the other drive exactly?
hmm idk its shows some error
and try again
all files dont go
some of them remains in the c drive
Reinstall the game through the the actual installer
You canβt just transfer the game files
hm i have to delete only valo or riot too?
How much space do u have in that disk?
98.8 GB free in C drive
in which valo is also there
The one u are trying to send it to
How much space does that disk have?
i didnt understand ;-;
U were sending it from C to D right?
i have to undo it
because all files were not going there
How much free space does ur D drive have
its 38GB free there but if u want i can extend 10gb or 20gb more
but the point is its not transfering all files ;-;
Well thats the issue
The game is around 42 gbs
i dont think so still its the space issue brother bcuz its giving an error something like permission
i donot have perms to cut it
something like this
Then it would've gave u the error before transferring the 30 gbs
Just reinstall the game at this point
This time move it to D or anything other than C
currently i dont have my 5g phone maybe i will do it in night
5g phone?
cant i directly install in d drive
rather than cutting
yeah it give me 300mbps and unlimitted data
Ye thats what i am saying
i dont have a router ;-;
U know
oh thats cool than so i need to delete the valo only or the client too?
U will not have a good experience playing this game
With ur specs
Trust me
i just wanna try it u know i have never played b4
i just wanna play with my friends for few days
I don't think it will even open for u
What gpu do u have?
Or ur igpu i would say
u mean graphic card?
its integrated
Yea what is it
I need a name
wait a sec
intel hd graphics
No numbers?
Open ur device manager then display adapters and send an ss here
I just wanna make sure

Don't show that
wait a sec
Or if it is actually that
It has 32 mbs of vram
Ur game is not gonna open

Yea u r not gonna be able to play
any how any way that i can run?
or then i have no option left to delete ;-;
I would say Don't waste ur time trying to make it run properly
Cuz it will simply not run properly
Simply get a new pc
Or wait for valorant mobile lol
hm mobile sux
it have already many games
Or never play valorant again on that pc
None will come close to valm
nah bro BGMI is already on top
Avg indian kid
Nothing to say here now
LOL nah bruh bgmi is love bruh
bro not me
idk y they say BGMI
like idk wt tht means
i got tht error
wt is fix?