Hi I need help
I play Valorant on a laptop and when I queue for normal DM I join the game when the top fragger has around 30 or 25 kills.
I know upgrading my HDD to SSD will be the reason to solve this issue but I wanted to ask if I factory reset my laptop and redownload Valorant will this fix the issue? if this fixes my issue I'll save around 50$. When I queue for a comp I'm stuck at agent select while my teammates are in-game. By the time I'm in the game, I've missed my pistol round or maybe inactive for 2 rounds.
due to this I always get a ban. last time I got a 2-week ban.
my specs are:
->i5 4th Gen
->NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M
->4GB Ram
198 Replies
Resetting your computer most likely won’t have a big effect, lowering the amount of disk space in use can have a SMALL impact but you’ll get the same effect by defragmenting your hard drive
what should i do?
Hm u can try reinstalling windows actually. Cuz i also have an hdd and i always used to load late but reinstalling windows and defragmenting my hdd fixed it for the most part
Atleast u will not load in 2 rounds late
Valorant is a CPU based game so upgrading my Disk is only going to make it faster but i actually do have fps issues too
what does defragmenting HDD mean?
Basically its a disk optimizer built within ur windows
can you send a tutorial video on how to defragment my HDD
To defragment a hard drive you do the following:
- Search for “Defragment and Optimize Drives” in the start menu
- Choose your hard drive
- Choose analyze
- Choose optimize
will this fix the issue?
i'll do it and let you know
Most likely not fully fix the issue, it might help a little bit if you’re lucky
There is no real cheap way out of this I’m afraid
i literally tweaked my valo so much just so i can play on good amount of frames
regardless all these efforts are useless
Valorant runs on Dx11 so you can’t just like bump the shader cache and stuff and abuse your storage advantage
How to defrag Windows 10 - How To defrag your Hard Drive - FASTER L...
Make your laptop Faster. In this video see steps to defrag the hard disk of Windows 10 Laptop/PC/Desktop Tower. A Faster laptop is a Better laptop! It takes only a few seconds to get started and learn how to defrag your computer is easy to do. A faster PC can give you just the edge you need for faster gaming. Learn how to make your laptop run ...
If u like a video tutorial then this
Some people feel comfortable when they see a video lol
I say reinstalling windows helps alot (sometimes)
Atleast it did help for me
Also keeping windows up to date
i'll defragment HHD and let y'all know
It can help if your drive isn’t defragmented
Since it means less info to read
Its sometimes ur windows settings causing those long load times too
But if it’s already defragmented there won’t really be a difference since computers are very good at what they do
Cuz i don't load in 2 rounds late evry game (usually)
I mean idk what kinda windows settings you be changing to slow down the disk but you do you :val_KekwSob:
Not slow down the disk
Idrk but it did work for me
Dk about others
(C:) Right?

analyze right?
Defragment all even :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
then optimize
Ye analyze first then optimize
in video he clicked optimize first
but arii says analyze first
Just analyze first
aight bet
Technically you can skip analyze but it’s nice to know how much is scuffed

is 1% a lot?
Nope, you probably won’t notice a huge difference
Unless that 1% is your valorant which would be kinda funny
i might be 😂
i'll optimize now
I guess you can also set the virtual memory more optimally and disable disk indexing
Since the only goal is improving disk speed
will this improve the performance?
or does it have a slight chance to do so
Well those should improve performance guaranteed it just might not be by a whole lot
There isn’t much you can do in the way of optimizing drives
I guess we can make sure you’re running in AHCI mode as well maybe
You should be by default but if you aren’t then that could be a boost
still at Pass 1
i got more 6 passes
what does consolidated mean?
what's next?
Well you can try the other stuff I mentioned if you really want to
let's see if this works
i don't think it'll have a hugh impact as you've mentioned earlier
@Ariinot a hugh difference i see
well I did say that it might not help a whole lot
yeah you did 😔
@jidatdoes adding 256 GB SSD will solve this problem?
Mostly yes
If u have the connectors
wdym connectors?
U have a pc or laptop?
Hm u have a laptop
Do u have 2 spaces for drives?
U should confirm all thag
i must have
how do i confirm that??
Just search ur laptop up
On yt or google
how to check?
just search the name of your laptop on google
@jidathi i just realized i installed my valorant in C drive
i have around 300 gb free in other drives

should i move my valorant to D or E drive for better performance?
Doesn't matter
Open task manager then performance and show a ss
in performace what should i show?
Doesn't matter
Just give me a ss

Yeah it doesn't matter where u put ur valorant
can i try it tho?
i got like 300 gb free in D and E drive
The only boost u might get is by having another 40 gbs free in C drive
That boost is none to 0
what can i do to improve the loading speed?
riot suggested me to do these

are these helpful?@jidat
U can try clean boot
Doubt it will help that much tho
Its rly just ur hdd
what can i do to improve the loading speed?
I have a hdd too but i don't load in that late rly
Buy a fucking ssd
is 256 GB enough?
All u rly want in that is windows and valorant
But yeah as i said make sure u have a port for a ssd
my model is pretty old can you check what type of ssd's will be compatible
The question is if it will have another slot
Cuz u will need to remove ur current hdd
in SSD i should install windows and valorant thats all
if another slot isn't available then they will remove my current HDD?
You will have to yes
am i better off getting 256gb ssd without 1 tb hdd?
If u have stuff like photos and videos or any personal files then no
U can't fit em all in a 256 gb ssd
i don't have any photos it's just some files or documents
Hm and thats like 100 gbs?
U have like 200 gigs worth of stuff in C alone
Just tell me ur laptop model
I will look into it
Lenovo z140 ideapad20292
i believe
U believe?
Show msinfo32

lol is there any hope?
@jidatbtw this is my NVIDIA graphic card

I can't find info on this on the website
Lenovo actually makes it so hard to just see the specifications
what can i do to help you out?
Nah can't find this anywhere
Do u have the laptop manual or sum?
nah ion think so
is it over for me?
Idk man
Can u open ur laptop
Like physically
i can't
never done it
i'm afraid i might mess it up
Crystal disk info
how to obtain that info?
By downloading it

what will happen if i download it

this one zip file?
Wow, you're getting the anime version
is that a good thing?
I mean
:val_KEKW: :val_KEKW:
what should i do next?
Open it

what's next?
Open, DiskInfo64A
@jidat It speaks to you

What does diskinfoA64A do?
extract all?
It's just a main one



Open, DiskInfo32A.exe

something changed

31k hours
I wonder how many hours i have on mine
It's not great
Download it
31k hours isn't great?
i need more?
:val_KekwSob: :val_KekwSob:
how do i decrease it?
i mean

31k hours
How do you think you'd decrease it
i don't think it's possible?
Because we don't have a time machine
:val_KEKW: :val_KEKW: :val_KEKW: :val_KEKW:
so what should i do now?
By an ssd like a normal person
Open ur laptop
how can i check whether i have another slot for SSD
And see if u have another slot by sum miracle
i'll try to get an SSD
i've got a shop near my apartment
Go buy a 1 tb ssd lmao
Idk how to connect it tho
Sensei has achieved comedy
1tb is way too expensive
i'll check whether i have an additional slot for ssd
if i do then i'll get 256 GB SSD
if i don't i'll get 500GB SSD
is that good?
@Saucywan can't they create a new ssd slot by some magic?
:val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
All you need is a cable
what kind of cable?
There's like six sata slots
Me don't think you have six storage devices
how many do you think i have?
@Saucywanwhat rank are you?
oh shit
i'm silver
Where he gon keep the ssd if he doesn't have the slot for it
peak was plat 2
Its a laptop not a pc
Ohh shit they're on a laptop
Me just remembered
@Rhab You'll be fine
:val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
@Saucywan how bad do u think an external ssd will be?
Depends on the price
Some are actual physical hdds
But guaranteed it bad
If you needed that much storage just get a nas
The current hdd he has, can't he use it as an external?
What do you mean by external
Like can't he get like a device or sum shit that lets him use it as an external one
But the speeds will be bad
Its just to store data rly
If you're just going to do that again just get an NAS
idk if my laptop supports NAS
i think it does support MSATA
You sure you know what that is
Because your laptop doesn't have to support it
It's completely separate
external SSD?
what to do if i don't have an additional slot for SSD
i think i'll still get SSD
@Saucywan we ballin?:val_CatBigStare:

You didn't get the anime version
@jidat I disown you
Can i do something to make its status good
:val_CatBigStare: :val_CatBigStare:
I am asking u for a reason
Like what :val_CatBigStare: