I have made an full stack app using mysql, express, angular and node. can i run it on cloudflare?

3 Replies
Alisson Acioli
Alisson Acioli13mo ago
Your code will possibly need adaptations. For security, Cloudflare Workers disables some libraries and resources, impacting some libraries we use on a daily basis. For example, in your case, you would have to have a MySQL library compatible with workers (there is already one adapted for workers in a third-party repository). Express will not be used because Cloudflare Workers has its own http server that is initialized with the fetch function. I don't know if Angular would run, but I've seen a VueJS modified for Cloudflare Workers to run, so there could possibly be some Angular modified for Workers. It's really annoying sometimes having to change lots and lots of libraries and going around looking for those compatible with Workers and sometimes not finding them, but on the other hand, I've been working with Workers for 2 years and I don't regret it because security and scalability have increased. a lot and our cost decreased drastically compared to AWS, GCP. Good luck!
Alex Chneerov
Alex ChneerovOP13mo ago
Thanks for the informative reply. What stack do you use on cloudflare if you don’t mind me asking.
Alisson Acioli
Alisson Acioli13mo ago

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