valorant issues
So I have a setting turned on called hardware virtualization and it’s never been a problem well trying to play valorant but now it won’t let my game launch anyone know how to fix this?
70 Replies
Is there an error code?

This is what I get when trying to launch Val
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens

i figured out how to turn it off but it gonna mess with other games i play so idk whats going on
What did you turn off?
the hardware virtualization thing
Inside of your bios?
Completely not needed
But you could have just done it within windows
since it it was messing up val now i turned it off
That's not what that error code means
but i left it on for other games i play
Secure boot is not enabled
how would you enable this?
But currently secure boot is not supported so we'll need to convert to uefi
Make your own post, please
already done
Press the windows key and search for “cmd”
Right click Command Prompt
Click “Run as administrator”
You should be able to now; type in this new window
do i run diskaprt?
and thats all?
We will need to convert to a gpt partition
I just want to make sure it is not already a GPT partition
can we call caause and i can screen share lol
i fell as if that will be easier
To do that we would need to leave platform
And we can't do that
i did the allow full os thing and i type in diskpart now what?
That message was deleted
Please just do diskpart right now
Once diskpart has opened
list disk
And then send me a screenshoti copied it before u deleted it

What drive is windows installed on?
Open file explorer and click on this pc

Press the windows key and search for “cmd”
Right click Command Prompt
Click “Run as administrator”
You should be able to now; type in this new window
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS
Now we can do the command

Type exit
And then enter the command

Very long
lol sorry

there u go
Because we have to go back to diskpart
then: sel disk 0
then: list part

oh no...
You need three partitions or less
list vol
and ima take a guess and say i dont have 3
You have four

The only way to make this work is joining the recovery partitions together
But Windows does not offer an easy way of doing that
Because of which I will not walk you through it
all good thank u for the help for what u did help with
You could also just reinstall windows
And you will keep some of your data
That is by far the easiest way
Yeah its fine i turned off what was messing up my val so ima try to see if i can launch it now
The chances of that are very low
But good luck
@Saucywan so turning off the hardware virtualization my game opened up
Oh I had the wrong error code
van 9005 means TPM is not enabled
And it can be bypassed by turning off vbs

@Fawzae By the way you may just want to enable it in your BIOS and disable it within Windows
Since it's just way easier to enable in windows
How do i disable it in windows?
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
in cmd as an adminI am way too lazy to write all of this out; so here is just in my documentation

So if i just did that i can turn it back on in bios?
cause i just turned it off in windows
Enable it within the bios first
And then do it within windows
Kk brb gonna go to my bios
Actually I’m here I got my phone lmao