Matchmaking Issue
I started this season with the reset and got back to bronze. I worked my self back up to gold for a second but even now, near the next season, I still play against these players. I do ok, but my peek is gold 1 and not even close to plat or even immortal. I don’t have a high positivity K/D or a huge combat score, so how can I get a normal matchup.
Can someone tell me how I get my skill matchups? (Like silver/gold1)

16 Replies
that's just a lifetime peak, it could be a washed player or a bought account, no immortal is gonna go 52% winrate in silver elo it just doesn't happen
^ And with a 12% hs
Yeah, but what about the plats and dimonds? They aren’t washed
Yeah makes sense
Worry more about your gameplay, and not about people’s stats.
Thats right, but I don’t really have the time to improve and I just wanna have some fun (thats a lie, u can’t have fun in this game)
even by only having fun you can improve at the game
you think I was grinding 12 hours a day to hit radiant? nah I played like 1 or 2 games a day and got off if I was ever even slightly mad at the game
Show prove, that u are radient, don’t take me wrong, but nah
Only 1-2 games
That doesn’t seem right, especially with the rank resets
I hit it in episode 1 and I've hit immo every episode that I come back since then even though I don't play anymore
I was immo2 in beta as well
What servers are u playing on?
Wich once?
wym which one?
mostly ye
Because frankfurt is a hole nother level
nah bro what are you talking about "another level"
its the same as paris or london
just avoid warsaw and stockholm and you're good