I play on a laptop, specifically a ASUS gaming laptop and during my val matches I randomly get high ping spikes. The game runs smooth the fps is fine and literally the game itself runs fine and has 0 crashes but it’s just this random high ping that has messed with me a lot. It doesn’t happen super often in matches but it happens often to the point where it annoys me. Any suggestions?
37 Replies
Open cmd (Command Prompt)
okay just did that
ping -t
Wait about a minute or longer
Then press Ctrl + C
And you will get a summary
just to be clear
like this?

now its just showing this
okay bet
what shall i do when its finished? its stilll going lol
It will go on infinitely
okay I just did that

this is the little summary it shows
You can see your ping maximum is very high
is there a way to lower it?
Use Ethernet
You can also try using a dns server
There are plenty of guides out there for how to decrease ping
Do note: nothing's gonna make your Internet go faster or go below its physical limit
just so you know
if it wasnt this guy
and it was a mean guy
he couldve deleted literally everything on ur pc
so u shouldnt type what people say if u dont know what it does
oh shit
should I delete the screenshots
ohhhh i see
@cooldude What the hell are you talking about
First off I would have been banned a long time ago
Second it's very obvious because the command literally is delete
theres 37 messages in here so i think that means someones messages got deleted
maybe someone else said smt
he seems kinda oblivious
not to be rude or anything
he just put it in no questions asked
No messages in this post have been deleted
and u couldve just said it will delete his corrupted files
i mean yeah I just wanted help on something im confused abt lol
yeah i know
oh nvm he said if it wasnt u
yeah idk how that couldve deleted files
But again, I am very well known in the server
i doubt anyone would be bitchy enough to do that
but still
yeah ik
thx saucy never knew that
Never knew what?
cmd and typin in ping -t
@solo You doing ok?
yes i’m doing just fine, just watching a couple videos on what I could do to fix this
Thank you for your help