val 5 error out of nowhere today
i've been getting a val 5 error out of nowhere every time i try to queue for a game. i've already tried the ipv6 fix, including all the cmd prompt commands, as well as restarts and resetting my router. i've also tried running riot client as admin, as well as reinstalling everything. everything online says it's an ISP issue if these fixes don't work, but i have played 1000+ hours with this isp and it's never happened before. i don't know what to do, any suggestions?
90 Replies
Reinstall vanguard
i'm reinstalling valorant now, for whatever reason I couldn't find vanguard in my files or tray. i'm thinking it may have not have been installed for whatever reason.
A vanguard will be installed at: C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard
okay, it should be finished installing shortly, i'll check when it's done
ty for the response btw
having same prob
@Saucywan help
reinstalled Vanguard
that's identical to my issue chilli
it happened maybe ayear ago before, all i had to do thta time was change dns settings
maybe that will work for you
did it
i was hoping it was serer related but all my friends are still on
mine too
You have reinstalled Vanguard and it hasn't worked?
how to uninstall vgk
You shouldn't just uninstall the kernel
To uninstall vanguard fully; Go through the system tray
what is that
the ^ arrow
vgk is the Vanguard kernel driver
vg = Vanguard, k = kernel
ok doing
cant find any ss
screen shot file location
give me
where is the file loaction
Press this in the bottom right

Find this

Right click it
Go to more
Then, uninstall
done it not working vgk wont unistall with it
Did you click uninstall?
and reinstall
Did you reinstall vanguard yet?
yes restarted pc also
After you restarted you opened Valorant and you still got the error code?
Val 5
yes took the video after all that
Are you opening Valorant through riot client
had to make a new valo acc
so that no one can open it
Open what?
again just reinstall vanguard
it's at 90%
@chilli Please try doing it again
should work considering i couldn't find it at all before

The error code has been changed
Or updated
It still does mean the same thing but it has other meanings
what is it
reinstall vanguard 4 since morning
1) You have been logged out
2) Vanguard has a new update or is corrupted
3) Depending on the error message you get; it could mean that you have been temporarily suspended
The last one would appear in riot client though
If uninstalling vanguard does not help, please submit a ticket to riot
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
thanks for your support man i'll do that
Hey I’ve been getting the same issue here man
Reinstall Vanguard
Did that and didn’t just do the kernel
What was the message?
was it reconnect or something about being banned
Error code 5
There's a message above that
And before that i get error code 128
Lost connection
Please do a fresh install of the game
I did that too
Uninstall Vanguard, riot client, and Valorant
And if that doesn’t work?
You sure someone isn't trying to log into your account?
You could just change your password and see what happens
I changed my password firsy too
And enabled 2FA
okaaaaay i just fresh installed again, and i'm still getting val 5
I sniff a new bug
how do i just reinstall vanguard alone?
Yeah that’s definitely a new bug
If everyone that has reinstalled vanguard please reply to this post
if possible?
I will now inform Riot about this bug and see what they can do
One sec
Is it a bug?
just wanted to drop in this post that i've received dm's from people offering spoofing software to get around this error... which is only useful if you've cheated and been banned as far as i know. don't download anything anyone has sent you if you're receiving this error. even if it is somehow a false ban, avoiding it turns it in to a permaban.
@Saucywan any input on that?
Please provide screenshots please
i'll dm them, one sec
Yeah so I had my partner log into my account on their pc and they didn’t get this issue
same thing as vinosaur, i can queue on my laptop but not my actual pc
There’s gotta be something going on
Please, do not use these softwares
It goes against Riot's terms of service and is also not allowed here.
not only could they be malicious links, if found on your pc and Riot Find out, It will most likely lead to a permanent ban across your account.
hate to revive a dead thread, but i still can't log in
i played cs for a while but the number of cheaters in comp/premier has made it unplayable
i just want to be able to play val again, i can queue on my laptop but not my pc, so my acc isn't the issue
ik support here doesn't have the solution but if there are any suggestions at all i am open and appreciative
You have made a ticket with Riot?
i did. and i was told to delete vanguard and start valorant. support said that vanguard would reinstall automatically, but i've reinstalled three times since the issue happened, and every time vanguard doesn't exist on my pc. not in the program files, not in the tray, nothing. and since i can't install vanguard by itself, idk what to do. it's somehow not being installed with the regular riot/val installation and i don't know why
and by reinstalled i mean riot client+valorant, not the vanguard just to clear that up
ok driver updates?
only driver that had to be updated was bluetooth and that made no difference :/
i sent riot support another email, hoping for a response soon
what system is it like asus or other ?
not sure what system it'd be since it's on windows pc?
if u mean the laptop the lenovo works fine but my pc does not
the driver is intel if that's what you were asking since that's what my pc is using
I’ll help in the morning 👍
Hi, ooga. What is the problem?
real omg
it isnt fixed
i got mid game to 2nd game and it happened