Well... Is that just 4months ?
@Saucywan sorry to bother again but i wanted to see what was saying when i try to launch and voilà...
Solution:Jump to solution
If you try to make an account and play valoant now that account will be immediately banned
44 Replies
'ill send you just in just 5min

That account that you are currently logged into is banned permanently
You can make a new account and continue to play after four months
but it's not the acount when i was banned on ???
If you try to make an account and play valoant now that account will be immediately banned
well f*ck
Have you already made a support ticket?
Then just please wait for the response
i'll be back
no like

so basicly i said what i allready told you, but they communicate to me 3 to 4 days and the ticket was made about 8days ago is it normal ?
bc they also said that they wont bother sending a reply if they don't change the sanction...
Has the ticket been marked as solved
where do you see it ?

it's solved
but why ?
That means your appeal was denied
Well thats sad
i never cheat
that mean i'd never be able to play again ?
On that account
but my computer is marked right ?
Yes and you wont be able to play on that computer for four months
For 4 months
so i'll have to wait... but for nothing, i didn't cheat and i even go see a technician they told me that i have been hacked..
like used by a remote tool
that type of thing
idk what it is
but ye
It still came from your computer
And from their perspective it's impossible to tell the difference
Between you and someone else on the same computer
i understand...
but what if their still marks ?
Sorry I don't understand?
like what if the hacker let some mallisus code on my pc ?
and then the anticheat detect it again ?
i'll be f*ck up ?
like i'll be instantatly banned another 4months on another account...
No you'll be banned permanently
Your first offense is four months
The second is permanent
no way... but how to prevent that ?
Reinstall Windows
Don't download pirated or suspicious stuff from the Internet and use an antivirus
wait really ?
if i do a scan and nothing's found ?
i wont have any problems ?
like i don't know what have been seen by the protection
cause i don't have cheat, and so don't install anything
A full reinstall from Windows will completely remove any viruses you currently have
idk if theire is anything left and i don't know where to look at
i'll lost anything uppon that nah ?
A reinstall of Windows does mean a complete wipe of everything
i forgot the passwords and evverything...
i really don't want to do that 😭
where did hacks are in general ?
like the trees folder ?
so i'll check it
@It's SuCheese 🧀 Any updates
Nah i got ban i got ban I’ll wait 4 months sadly
Morning sensei :val_CatBigStare: