Comments Not Working
I just installed Visual Studio 2022 and method comments aren't being recognised. Also when I do
, normally it will auto-complete the comment block with the method parameters, but it just does nothing.
When I load my project in VS, the comment block is briefly syntax-highlighted, whith the parameter names being blue. But it quickly all just turns green as though it's a regular comment. No descriptions are given in the auto-complete prompt.
12 Replies

Stack Overflow
Visual Studio XML summaries not working
When I used to use Visual Studio I could use /// to declare a summary of my method at the and it would autogenerate all the tags and add a line for any params however after installing Visual Studio...
Your editor looks broken because
is also not recognised as a class. Maybe try reinstalling or getting additional workloadshmm you're right, I didn't notice that either. I'll take a look, ty
I'm pretty sure you're missing the XML file
But since Task is white there is definitely smth wrong going on
Did you open a solution/project and not a folder?
I cloned it from my github repo, which also contains the .sln file as well as the other project files
Opened it from the .sln file
that should be fine then
Yea, that's what I thought, too
Unknown User•13mo ago
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I mightve been wrong abt that then
I remember when I made a Lib it would (sort of?) show the stuff but after building it, it didn't show up before I added the XML thingie
Unknown User•13mo ago
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