fps problem
before the round starts,i have more than 200+ fps but after the round starts and we start to shoot and all those things,my fps will drop til 90 and sometimes even freeze my game for abit.
i have an amd ryzen 5 6600h
RTX 3050
and im on laptop. pls help
38 Replies
its been bugging me for weeks already
Show ur graphics settings
And display settings

Turn off limit fps for evrything
And also set ui quality to low
What is the cpu and gpu utilization when u get fps drops?
Also the cpu and gpu temperatures
idk abt this one
Get into the range and open ur task manager
And see the cpu utilization
most of the time the gpu is around 30-40%
Yeah thats ok
for cpu its between 35-45
Are the fps dropping?
sometimes more than 50
but when its ingame it will drop more
i dont
i have outplayed tho
and overwolf
i end the task
cause as siibn as roudn starts i get drop
i end task
i get no more drop
but most of the time its not open
for me
Its open in the background
U prob also have recording on?
no i dont have it open
i checked task mng
Are u getting any packet loss?
is that bad???
idk a thing about packet loss
wait let me ss

top right corner
And no that is fine ig
Also where is the 50 fps?
it will lag when its ingame
Open task manager and valorant side my side
later if im gonna play i will take a ss
And show an ss
Check ur task manager and see ur cpu utilization when its starts to lag
And take an ss
ill do that later when i play
should i have HAGS on or off
alot of videos tell me to turn on
but some also said to turn off
Also it might be ur temperatures being too high
i also realised that
my fps problem only occurs when im the one playing
if i spectate my teamates it will run like 180 fps+
but whewn im the one playing idk why but 90+fps
this is so damn weird