✅ [ASP.NET CORE] Error when trying to run docker image i pushed to dockerhub
so i built, tagged, then uploaded my asp.net project to docker hub, and then i downloaded the
, Dockerfile
, and .dockerignore
, and .csproj
from my repo: . so i have all those 4 files in a empty folder called Docker
. And then I pull my image from docker hub and then i use docker compose up
to run the image using the yaml file. It starts building but then stops suddenly, complaining about a Main class in program.cs (but Im not even writing a console app?)63 Replies
i tried goign to project properties and changing the output to
Class Library
instead of Console Application
and then i rebuilt and reuploaded the image but that didnt workConsole Application
is the correct type for an asp.net core project.ok, i guess thats how it is then. but i dont understand why its looking for a Main method if i have no Main.cs. it must be looking in program.cs, i dont understand why its looking for a main method
if line 89 is causing the issue, i commented it out and rebuilt and it still is not working
all program begins with Main function
but in your code there is node Main function
i dont think i understand, where is the Main function then? i thought the entry point for asp.net apps was startup.cs or program.cs
top level statements are valid in recent c# versions.
First thing you should do is update your dockerfile with some commands that list what directory it is in and what files are present when you start your build
My guess is something is being copied to the wrong directory
Or you're using an outdated base image that does not support top-level statements
I think if you add static Main method in your code you can fix error
public partial class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Entry point of the program
ok i saw that online but didnt try it cause felt kind of like a bandaid fix but i will try
okay.then let me know.
still doeesnt work unfortunately i dont know why
i added it here
or try it :all of your code rewrite in Main method
one sec
still no luck, i wrapped everything in the program function but i stil get the same error
You should probably take my advice and make sure your files are being properly copied into your docker container.
me too.
one sec
how is about?
i dont know to be honest it works fine locally when i run it from inside my project, but when i pull from my dockerhub and run it with just my yaml, dockerfile, .dockerignore, postgres.env , and my .sln it doesnt work. maybe i am missing a file or something cause when i run the same
docker compose up
in my project i have no errors
i think there is something wrong with this part of Dockerfile because it is where the docker compose up
fails but im not sure whats wrong with itWhat compose file are you using when you pull the image from the docker registry? Because that command is part of your container build process and should not be executed by anyone trying to use the image normally.
i am using the same compose file as the one that was used to build the docker image:
so when i pull it i use this compose.yaml too to do
docker compose up
. but i should not be doing this?No, you shouldn't. Remove the
section of your compose file and try again. Its attempting to build the container and none of the files it needs are there.ok
its not running anymore when i remove the build section
You didn't remove the section header
Also, if pulling all the images from hub you should only need the compose file, nothing else
Certainly not the csproj or dockerfile or SLN
Your compose is clearly written for development, you'll want a second compose for running the pre-built image
i removed the section header and then when in a seperate directory where i just have a differnet
, whenever i do docker compose up
it says:
my other yaml is like this
And there is the build directive again
You should have one compose file that builds and runs the image from source for development, and a separate one for running only images pulled from the hub
This second file should not contain any build or develop directives
It should however contain image/tag names so it can pull the image from the hub
ok, but i already pulled the image from the hub by myself, does it still need image/tag names to do that?
The compose file shouldn't be ambiguous, or make assumptions
Tags are optional, if you want to use latest
But you will need the image name
I don't mean to be rude but it seems you don't really understand docker very well
no not really
i mean i think buildign and pushing to hub is okay but i dont know how to use it
Ok so heres my "super quick guide to docker" ™...
a Dockerfile is for building an image. Its only really used with docker build and produces an image as a result.
When running a prebuilt image, you use either
docker run
or a compose file (if you have multiple images that depend on eachother)
In a "prod-like" as in production-like environment, you should only be running pre-built images and assume nothing is available locally thats special.
Look at the compose file you pasted, at the db
section. Thats what a normal, "prod-like" section looks like
you should have one like that for your image too, since its treated exactly the same
so remove the build
and develop
sections, add image
and restart
and you're good to go
You will need nothing except the "prod-like" compose file when running your app this way
all the other stuff, like Dockerfile, .dockerignore, csproj, sln, are part of your developmentbut there are things like enviornment variables, like database passwords. i dont think taht can be apart of the image that you build? unless you hard code it but you shouldnt do that right?
correct, those should be specified in the compose file too, if needed
anything you want the user/host of the program to be able to change must be controlled via an env-var
so that means the user would have to have their own .env file? thats what i was doing with the postgres.env before
.env isnt a normal format in C# world
so it depends on how you use it
a more standard approach would be to have the user add their environment variables to the compose file, like postgres does
and in DEVELOPMENT you might use an .env file
but in "prod" mode, you read it all via the environment variables on the system, provided by the compose file
but that doesnt make any sense because, if it is reading all the environment variables from the system, it wont have a database password for example, so that means they would have to add it to the yaml themselves?
your app doesnt know how the postgres is configured
it also doesnt know if the user wants to run postgres in docker, or on a separate machine, etc
you shouldnt care about that. just say "my app requires postgres, feed it a valid connection string via environment variables"
and thats it.
the rest is up to the user
but you can, as a nice person, provide a compose.yaml that does this already
but for this part for example you are supposed to put your database password in a new folder called db in a text file called password.txt. isnt this something that the user has to do? or no? that means it shouldnt be in the prod
right``I've never seen that way of doing it before
you can have a password exposed in that file just fine btw
but what if you dont want them to connect to the prod database, you want them to use their own local database
they cant connect to your database anyways lol
is local to the place running it
if I do docker compose up
and you do too, with the same file, we both have two identical local environments
dockerhub doesnt run any images, it just hosts the actual image filesok i still am very confused to be honest i dont even know what questions to ask like it was working fine locally and then i hosted it i thought i was using it right but then when i remembered that the purpose of docker is so you dont have to clone the repo then here i just got completely lost
the purpose of docker is to fix "works on my machine" "bugs"
all images should be self-contained ready to run images, with configuration done via environment variables and/or loading a volume with config files on it, for very complicated apps
i was able to build my image and it works when i ran it but then when i pulled it and pretended to be a stranger trying to use it then i got all sorts of errors and wasnt able to use it at all. so i thouight maybe the compose.yaml i amde for development was bad. but then i thought that maybe the app itself was bad and not using it properly so now i am deceiding on what exactly i need to do im not sure
you might have over-configured your app in
or .env
so you might need to pull some of those settings out to env vars for the compose file to be able to set them properly
depends a bit on how you set up your configuration i read that i shouldnt be using appsetigns.json like this so i think maybe this is where i went wrong
yesn't. You should let the user set the connectionstring - with docker this means via an environment variable
you could set a default docker connstr that assumes the user hasnt touched the shipped with compose file however
in ASP.NET default configuration, environment variables can override the settings set in appsettings.json
for local development stuff, use
or dotnet user-secrets
ok im just getting a bit overwhelemed now cause i have alot to focus on now like for example in my
i am conditionaly setting the connection string and thats why i have IS_DOCKER= true as an environment variable in compose.yaml but this is also bad to do too right?yep
is all you need
then you set that configuration value via envvars to the three different connstrs you want
user secrets for local dev, compose file can set the other one, and default to the default one in appsettings.json
not really sure why you have 3 btwi had three because for some reason whenever i would try to get the baseURL in the view javascript it wouldnt work if i had https for some reason it only works with http and I had no idea why so i did this but i think this is also bad too right?:
if you distribute via docker, why would you need a "production but not docker" setup
anyways, just let the user set the connstr themself but have a reasonable default
thats what I'd do
ie, default to it working with the default postgres docker setup :p
when you say to let the user set it by themselves: you mean they should go to the compose.yaml that I give them, and manually enter it under environment?
yeah, if they want to change it
you could also split it up into separate vars for database name/user/password/host
and re-build the connstr inside your app
that means the user can change only the password, etc
but your app is a webapp with a webserver - its not unreasonable to expect the user to have basic knowledge to use it
ok i have alot of new information now but i am just kidn of overhwlemened now do you think i should start with fixing all of the appsettings.json and just having one string there? and the user can set it in the
and then after that i can remove all of the conditional stuff in the Program.cs
like you showed before? would that be the first thing i should do?suuure?
I have seen only the snippets you've shown, but .. yeah?
I'd read up on how dotnet does configuration if I were you
learning how to set up your configs for multiple environments is important
i think i will just start with reading the docs and then try to fix my project from there cause the way id id it doesnt reall make sense now that i think about it
so thanks
np. this stuff can be pretty complicated at first, so dont sweat it
you need to get it wrong a few times before you get it right 🙂
ok thanks