i can't play valorant
every time i try to run the game, nothing happens, the game never shows up but is in the background processes in my task manager.
every time i press the "play" button on my riot client it just pops right back after a moment and the game never shows up.
190 Replies
and yes, i have already restarted multiple times.
both the "BootstrapPackagedGame" and "VALORANT" is running in my background processes, but never really shows up so i could play the game.
try reinstalling everything including vanguard and riot client and make sure to delete the old folders before reinstalling
i did everything

now this shows up
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i reinstalled again now it's stuck on 0

Wait for like 10-15 minutes
go to your services
check for svc
i fixed the stuck on downloading, i got to download the game but every time i try to run this keeps showing up and it doesn't run
i already sent a ticket to riot for this
thank you guys
go to your services
check for svc
make sure its on
its important for running the game
what's "svc" i don't see it anywhere
open services, search it
That should be an easy fix
nothing on youtube is working :(
Move ur riot games folder to another disk
Or wait
Open ur riot games folder then valorant then live then shootergame then binaries then win64 and double click the valorant win64 shipping apk
Send an ss of the error it gives u
If it gives any

i don't understand
Yep move the riot games folder to another drive
Make sure u move the entire riot games folder
how do i move it to another disk
it keep saying copy
not move
do i reinstall the game to another disk?
It should give u the move option
No way it doesn't
Show ss when u right click the folder
Also give ss of the whole screen
Don't cut anything

oh my bad
Cut it bro

Cut it and paste in C drive
there's not enough space
the folder is like 200 gb
Its not supposed to be that big
Its not supposed to be more than 45 gigs
I would assume u have downloaded it multiple times

nvm it's 45 gb
Free it a bit
U can cut it back to the other disk too after u do this btw
So if u want move some things from ur C drive to the other drive
And u can move them back to C later
i'm cooked bro
c drive is all windows crap
190gb is def not taken by windows
I can assure u that much
i know there are some files in this drive but i cant find them
bro my downloads folder 40 gb
ok wait
ill put the folder in c now
1% complete
there's no search in services
search services from windows bruh
then press s
make sure svc is on
Doing anything in services will not help ur case.
it does bruh
Not in this case
sometimes windows updates disable svc
i can't find svc
in services
What even is svc
my bad
its vgc
Yes exactly
Also its not a vgc error
@resh just do what i am saying
im just advising
why so rude
Yea i get that
I'm sorry if u thought i was rude
But i am just answering on why its not a vgc error
And has nothing to do with vanguard
hang on guys
everything is so slow
i'm copying riot games files into c
i'm starting vgc right now
its status doesn't have "runnung"
so i think it's not running
It only runs when ur game is open
Don't do anything with vanguard kindly.
should i close it

Meh just let it happen
Shouldn't rly matter that much

i think i need to start the game first

After that open the valorant win64 shipping apk again
And see if it still gives u the error

If it does then on ur desktop, right click the valorant shortcut thats on ur desktop and change its path to C from the older disk
Yea dw its supposed to be like that
Do this
should i delete the folder in D:?
i cut it but its still there
Its not gonna be there
Open the folder
And also check the size of that folder in D
i cut and it's just transparent

45 gb
Right click on the folder in C
And check its size
45 gb
both the sagme
45.0 gb
Now that is concerning
Close ur windows explorer
Then reopen
And see if its still there in D
still here
Is it still showing as transparent
very yellow again
Check size again
45 gb
How many valorants have u downloaded jeez
i reinstalled
i can delete it if its not supposed to be in D:
Yeah try deleting the one in d
Also how many gigs are free in ur C drive now

Open task manager
Go to details
only discord here
and snipping tool
riot client is running in background processes
should i end
Yes end iy
do i try to launch the game again?
Using win 64 shipping yes
It will prob still give u the error

What u have to do now is right click the valorant shortcut on ur desktop and set its target to C at will targeted to D
Right click valorant thats on ur desktop then properties and send an ss

i set it to C
it was D
Hm nice
Now open the shortcut
And see if it works

Right click on the shortcut
Then properties
Then compatibility
Send an ss

Disable run this program as an admin
Disable it for win64 shipping,valorant and riot client too
Or if anything else is ticked for them disable it to
wdym by this
Open riot games folder and navigate to the valorant win64 shipping
Right click on it then properties and send an ss
Show full ss and don't cut it
which one
no i mean which one? win64 shipping, valorant, or riot
All 3
Untick evry single option under compatibility tab

Now run using that shortcut
which one
valorant or win64 shipping
The one on ur desktop

Are u able to open riot client?
one sec

ill change file location for riot client
file destination
yes i can open now
i'll install it

can i set the install path to D:?
there's not much space in C anymore
Just do it
didn't i already install this
It will automatically detect the folder in C
U don't actually need to install the 45 gigs again
Press install and see what happens
🤫 🧏
@resh how much is downloaded yet
It shouldn't take this long
23 mbps
It might be downloading the whole 45 gigs
i think it's going into the d folder
what do i do
Open settings inside riot client then go to valorant and see where its downloading
Or just send an ss after getting there

Yeah its downloading it in D
Just let it be
Delete the folder in C
The whole riot games folder
Let it download
And open it if it lets u

do i delete the c one?
Run valo as an admin
No don't.
Don't even think about it
the riot client shortcut is gone
What are u still waiting fog
but the riot client is gone
i need to install again
From ur desktop?
Just do repair in riot client settings
the client is gone
Open it from the riot games folder
it's nowhere
only valorant here
im gonna install again
Do a thing
Close evry valorant,riot games and vanguard related thing in task manager
Then delete all 3 of them using control panel
Then install riot client from ur browser
We do a clean installation
Bros cheating on our friend
Help the other guy sensei :val_CatBigStare:
@resh install it in C drive btw
We change it afterwards if u want
i uninstalled valorant, vanguard, and the client
Using control panel right?
Now go to riot's website and download valorant
done with that
Or riot client technically

Now open it and make sure u set its path to C
Yep install
i need to restart now
Yea restart
thank you so much bro
