UX opinion

i made this linktree style website in neumorphic design, but i think its too easy to get lost which one is a button to show a "dropdown" and which one is a link, i made these dots to indicate that but its still pretty hard to understand that
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8 Replies
multyfora5mo ago
heres the dark theme
multyfora5mo ago
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multyfora5mo ago
and the link to the webpage https://multyfora.github.io https://multyfora.github.io/ if you go to the page youll also notice that the delay is somewhat slow, but its more a technical issue, ill fix it shortly soo what can i do to make those buttons stand out as dropdowns or real links
ghostmonkey5mo ago
instead of a giant socials button, just make a row of smaller buttons, each one with the social icon it links to
Abdul Rehaman Shaikh
Why not add icons to indicate dropdown and link? It would be simpler to understand. Dropdown with "v" icon, "Link with attachment or link icon "
multyfora5mo ago
i remade it sry that i answered so late but
multyfora5mo ago
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multyfora5mo ago
yeah nice idea