Some people can sent me document c# with all things need it
documentation .net and asp please and courses to learn more
12 Replies
Have you tried google
Start with $helloworld
I want documentation of classes special and methods
I'm Object Oriented Program
Feel like there's a language barrier.
Everything you need to get going is here:
C# docs - get started, tutorials, reference.
Learn C# programming - for beginning developers, developers new to C#, and experienced C# / .NET developers
There are tens of thousands of public APIs across .NET ( Nobody can learn them all. Build your knowledge step-by-step by creating apps, reading blogs, and reading API docs. You won't retain it if you don't mix in heavy amounts of practice to gain experience.
This website is the most simplified and clear C# tutorial :
To be honest, that site seems much worse than the $helloworld tutorials.
Where is the text that says "You should not use this class and should use List<T> instead" ?