how do I stop receiving AFK penalties for slow load times
So my PC is fairly old, from 2018. I have settings all low with uncapped fps I get around 100 per match and it's smooth once I get in but sometimes the stutters between menus and lag causes me to not join match until 2 rounds to 4 rounds in and the penalties are getting worse and worse. How do I combat the slow loads and menu stutters?
63 Replies
Reinstall vanguard
When ur loading into the game(queuing)
cap ur fps
Slow loading times can be caused by your game being stored on a HDD instead of a SSD. Which one do you have?
I could double check I'm pretty sure it's on the C: drive
Open task manager
Go to performance
And send an ss
wait if i do tht i getr faster loadtimes
like cap fps to 10
thts crazy
Cap fps for menus?
For menus?
like loading in game
after agent select
Game capped 10 fps is wild π
i cap the whole game?
i need fast load times
sometimes i can take a shit and come it still dosent load
Me too
I capped my fps to 100
And capped menus to 60
im going to get new latop anyway
i just need to get good marks
which i cant
Need me a new pc fs
i need to study
but i dont want to
Valorant calls my name.
I'm unranked I just reached lvl 20
u adicted to valo
and u new
idk spelling
i failed english
I'm new I just started like this month
I'm a gecko main
Val on console would be fun
π e
I have a ps5
they releasing
it with mobile
they told
1 yr ago
Bro there's a mobile server with nothing in it LMFAO
Maybe I should sleep
i mean valo is a preice gunplay game
i should study
I been seepin 4 hours
i failed eglish
now i have science
U need to ace
then i geet new laptop
100 million fps on a 60 hz screen
i have 100hrz
gonna buy new monitor too
wt is your bio bro
I got u
not u
Nah for all
Only during loading
ye it worked
i loaded in 40seconds
how much faster?
Are you able to make it into the game in time
ok imma just cap the fps XD
Nah bro that did nothing
just now it was even worse
game just kept loading the match for AGES
(about 3 mins) and then fucking kicked me from the match, just because i was "AFK" LIKE ITS YOUR'E GAME THAT ISNT LOADING BRUH
Give me a single valid reason why you're game needs 3 minutes to load into a map when a triple a title with a whole as open world map can load in 30 seconds, be it on my slow hard disk.
There's no excuse
And then the game keeps "banning me" from queing, it doesnt even show the fkn queue ban timer
is there any proper known fix to this, fps cap hasn't done anything for me.
Fyi, my pc can run the game no problem with almost no stuttering at 100+ fps, the game only takes forever to load, since i have no space on my main ssd to install the game and hence i have it on a hard drive.
turn limit fps to on for all
so i make it limit fps on? and cap it to what number exactly?
i can't even try it now, because the game wont even let me do a custom game with myself only
this worked somewhat for me
can i like just not know how long my queue ban is?

check riot client
where in the client
it tells u right away if there is a ban but otherwise it wont say
you can also sumbit a ticket to riot games and they help u
I stopped capping it cuz my laptop is good now loafing
Oof aight
I get 30s load times
Dm 10sec warmup
In an SSD?
Or smth but strtd with h
Not ssd
hard disk drive
A los number
Only for loading
wait so what did you do then?
The game just started loading fast?
So I am getting new pc anyway
So I installed custom os
It dosent have all bullshit
Only browser
Thts it nothing else
Some services also not available
Like ms stroe
Ms edge
Then I got dast load time and fps
Making game windowed mode sometimes give fast load for me idk at u guys