C#5mo ago

Some recommandation in API Design

5 Replies
Pobiega5mo ago
MODiX5mo ago
When you ask a question, make sure you include as much detail as possible. Such as code, the issue you are facing, and what you expect the result to be. Upload code here https://paste.mod.gg/ (see $code for more information on how to paste your code)
Pobiega5mo ago
MODiX5mo ago
How to get the best help :catpog: Make a post in #help or one of the topic channels under Development. Avoid asking :catthinking: Can anybody help me? :catthinking: Has anyone used XYZ? :catthinking: Why doesn't my code work? C# is a big area! No one knows they can help unless you tell them about the small area you're trying to work in. Explain what you are doing, and potentially why for as much context as possible. Avoid screenshots where possible, share code directly in Discord. Type $code into chat to learn how to post code. See https://www.nohello.net and https://dontasktoask.com if you want common help chat room etiquette.
arion5mo ago
Here's some recommendations from an architectural standpoint https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/architecture/modern-web-apps-azure/common-web-application-architectures Some take-aways from this are - Structure work into layers (Separate your logic so that the UI knows nothing about how to touch a database for example) - Don't Repeat Yourself (I can't really make this sound better than what it already is so I'll just paste from the article:)
By organizing code into layers, common low-level functionality can be reused throughout the application. This reuse is beneficial because it means less code needs to be written and because it can allow the application to standardize on a single implementation, following the don't repeat yourself (DRY) principle.
- Work based on your project's needs (Not every project needs to be able to scale to infinity. Keep it simple) - Containerize - Design Architecture (If new people to the project have trouble finding things, something's wrong) (Just some general take aways from the link above I posted ^)