Struggle climbing out of iron
So I'm trying to get out of iron but its hard solo queueing. Even when I perform well I'll still lose and idk what to do at this point. Valorant is my first fps so I started out (december of last year) rly trash and placed iron 3 (tilted to iron 1). I've gotten better recently but it still seems that I'm never gonna get out of iron. What do I do? Maybe try waiting for placements and then going from there?

17 Replies
if your solo queuing then just improving aim is enough to get out of iron
play dm a lot
and training range and improve your aim
good aim can probably take you to silver and then you have to start playing with thought behind what you're doing
Skill issue
On top of what JumpMerchant said, stop flexing roles and only pick agents in your role which I assume is flashing duelists with Phoenix as a main
As for why you can’t climb outside of these factors it’s impossible to help without a vod to see what is going wrong in game
there is one trick to climb out of iron
use your brain
jollz knifed 20+ people in iron u ppl r wandering like brainless zombies
no need aim
um ok ur gettings kills
just get better teammates
or carry harder
get a friend to duo or full team
Get better
when i started playing
october 2023
i placed iron3
now im silver 3 💕
except i play more cs than valorant since i find it more enjoyable
since i dont have to pay 20$ for a skin that makes the game more enjoyable
I tried to play it today i started casual bro 10 people in team
Its not fun
alright buddy ask any cs player about ''casual'' gamemode
and they will all tell you its sht
nobody plays it except new kids or people that want to flex their skins
But also i cant play comp im new
that is what i mean buddy
''new kids''
So what should i do
play it until you unlock competitive
then if u like the game and want to go for something higher
buy prime and play premier
u will have fun plyaing against cheaters every match trust me
i wish cs had valorants anticheat
valorant still kinda better i guess
It’s embarrassing to say but I had this issue I have hit rock bottom of Iron 1 0rr 💀 I worked on aim and positioning and I got to B1 kept working on it and learned some util and made it to s1 it’s takes time I was stuck in iron for 8 months then found out why and left iron and got silver in a week :val_PepeShrug: it could’ve been luck idk
Damn. Those are pretty good KDAs for literally the lowest rank. :Iron1:
Thanks :) hopefully I’ll eventually be able to climb high enough to queue with my friends :val_KekwSob:
i love the racist community
i just love it
but damn csgo2
too laggy
but i hate cs skins
they like valo bp skins
i only got the butterfly knife