Account permanently suspended
Hello guys, I wanted to know why my account got suspended by saying a third party app was detected. I didn't use any cheating or scripting applications!
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The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
37 Replies
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
All my friends said ticket is useless,but I will try
I use it for store checking
It's a store checking app, may I know if it's verified by riot?

That’s probably not why your banned
It’s a tracker it’s not cheats
How about the valk app
I use it to check store
store checking apps are never riot approved. most of them are known to sell your account data i think.
probably due to that reason, your account got locked - because an app sold your login data and riot saw that as a "account sharing" reason - which is against TOS and bannable
Thank you
Is that possible to unban the account if I send ticket
possible - i guess yeah
its not very likely, but always worth an attempt
But it’s unlikely
Like this guy said
Thanks guys I will try later
If still banned I guess I have to create new account
Also change your log in details
Also did you spend money on the account?
keep in mind that you got banned for 3rd party ban.
-> you got a HWID ban, read below
The error code
Van 152
indicates a hardware ID ban. This ban typically lasts around 4 months. You can appeal and discuss your ban on the official support page by using the link below.
Submit a support ticket here: I did but not much
If you ask me of course it's tragic
Does it mean I might get unbanned after 4 months
Just contact ticket they will tell you
well originally i didnt read your first message.
3rd party bans will not be reversed.
the account you played on is basically deleted (perma banned, no chance for unban)
with the HWID ban you cant play on any other account for 4 months, each and every account you try to play on will be banned or locked too.
so yes - you will be kind of unbanned after 4 months
but no - your account is lost
That is so messed up
So if it's a false ban let's say
Valorant just basically stole all your money
Which is exactly
what happened to me
to be exact
the 3rd party app did

I am not giving up tho
They'll just blacklist you
Literally won't accomplish anything
Well they just did steal my money basically and wasted my time and grind
Their system is so bad
Your appeal was denied. And you were banned for breaking the terms of service
They won't tell me for what neither
like what app or anything
Why the hell would they do that
What if it is a false ban tho?
They would only unban me if I was famous streamer or smth
They would be able to know if it was false
But I never cheated or anything?
I know people who were unbanned
I even got a riot gun buddy from a staff because of my good rating as a teammate, showing fair play and all that
grinded that game for 2+ years
I lost all of that progress just like that, I did not cheat or anything
I know I am dragging this, but it's just so dang unfair because I really did nothing
Thanks to everyone who answered my question here. After I contacted valorant support, my account was unbanned.