How to check riot ticket support status?
Can someone help me? lately I've submitted a ticket for account recovery , but it been almost a week without reply from riot support , but my friend he did ticket too , same time with me , but he got reply from riot support? can someone help me?
30 Replies
Did u get the bot reply in ur email as u sent the ticket?
wait ya
let me screen shot for you

It says u have submitted it 21 hours ago?
this is new ticket
i submitted first ticket on 22 Feb
Show me the bot reply of that day
click on that link
and login to ur account
Sensei :val_CatBigStare:
how can i log in?
my account got hacked by someone bro
How are we supposed to know that?
U never said anything about getting hacked
i cant login to my account
and when i check my gmail
it said someone changed my valorant account email
U are using a new account to send the ticket?
Then click on that link and login using the account u used to send the ticket
i use email bro
So u didn't login when sending the ticket?
Then u can't check the status
I think
Also show the bot reply of 22nd feb or whatevr

League of legends support?
Were u playing val with that account or league?
Then why tf are u sending ur ticket to league of legends support?
no wait
i send it to valorant support too
If u have never logged in into that then how will u get a reply
Show that
How many tickets have u sent jeez
No doubt its taking time to get a reply
ive sent like 6
or 7
bcs they never reply the first ticket

U have sent 6 in 7 days?
No wonder u r not getting a reply
It says right there not to bump ur ticket
then u can only wait for the mail
common sense dy
but my friend spam ticket too
but he got reply
my bad then
spamming tickets won't get it faster
understand , tq brother