TPM 2.0 with galax a320m
i use galax a320m motherboard and i can't find a TPM function galax bios
183 Replies

Press win+r on ur keyboard, type msinfo32 and send the ss of the app that opens
it's called ftpm for amd mobos

just boot into ur bios and find
for the love of god
find what
don't have
send pics if u have no idea
Am try to open bios and this happen
what did u press
Am spam del when it restart
just boot into windows
run cmd as admin
shutdown /fw /r /t 0
And what should I do next
show us pics
Have same sound
Nothing happen
lol wtf
in windows,
bcdedit /v
can u see something pointing to ur bios/uefi?
there's few identifiers
only windows boot loader there?
nothing happen just black screen and come up with loading user
send pics
idk which step are u on
show pic
where did u try to run it
run it in admin cmd

oh wait
bcdedit /firmware

scroll up in this pic

yeah wtf
where's ur uefi identifier
what is uefi?
did u run rm -rf / --no-perserve-root in Linux with system d lol
how did u wipe ur uefi entry
how to do it
were u able to boot into ur bios/uefi before?
morther board?
The bios of ur motherboard yes
U running multiple motherboard or sum shit?
Whatevr motherboard u have
Were u able to get into bios EVER?
about 1 week ago
Did u write any commands in cmd or changed anything related to bios?
i think i don't
i didn't touch any cmd comm
What did u do in ur bios 1 week ago?
Or what were u trying to do
or should i buy new mortherboard
i change secure boot
U sure u didn't do anything else?
Do a thing
Shut down ur pc
Take the plug out
Wait 5 seconds
Turn ur pc on
Let it be for 30-40 seconds
Then restart and spam ur bios key (whatevr it is F2 or del)
oh wait I think I forgot the commands
it's bcdedit /enum firmware
It 5 deep
still 5 deep?
When I try to open bios
did u flash ur bios recently
What is flash?
Update ur bios

the fwbootmgr
what did u done recently
done what
there's no way u can't boot into bios
unless u wiped the entry for ur bios and ur bios manufacturer is brainded didn't follow the specs
so it can't regenerate itself
Btw did he try the shutdown /r /fw
same beep sounds
Hmmm a beep sound
@ok try to flash ur bios to the latest
I recently found my 14 year old laptop and tried booting into the bios, it was asking for a password for a split second, not even giving me a chance to type anything and put a beep sound evrytime
idk if u can, but try to remove the cmos battery
and let it drain all its power
by pressing power button
I remove cmos battery now
Should I plug th computer and peer power button?
drain it's power by pressing/holding the power button first
Don't plug it
and yeah don't plug
How many minutes?
to be sure
Should I put very thing back on?
Clean the dust off ur mobo while u r at it :val_CatBigStare:
rn yeah
including the cmos battery
And tired to open bios?
Boot into windows first maybe
do u still heard beep sounds now
or it succeed
I can open bios now

Well thats good
go advanced

trusted computing

Might be in cpu config
what about the next one
trust computing settings

ACPI setting?
trusted computing settings
there's two TC
idk why
but look into it
Can’t click in
This is all in TC
go super io
Uh i just checked something
or somewhere about hw pch settings
People have sent emails to this manufacturer about there being no option to enable TPM
In the same bios version as u

oh wait
go to the chipset settings

but check north bridge

what's all there?
main, advanced, chipset, turbo, and?
what's there
that one starting with S
click on it
And start up
show me

This is I fix secure boot 1 week ago
ugh yeah
exit first
update ur bios to the latest
Idh any usb
I found 1 now ok
Lets check if windows recognizes the amd psp 10.0 device first
Boot into windows
In window now
How to check it
Go to device manager
Wait was it device manager
Yea it was
Open device manager find security devices and extend it and send an ss

Hm ig that works
U can try updating ur bios
But according to people on reddit, even that didn't work out for them
There is simply no option to enable tpm
But yeah just update ur bios to the latest just to be sure
should i follow there step?
galax . com
Yea ig
Make sure to specify ur version
And don't download a beta version by accident

Also send an ss of what the description of the update says
i don't understand
step 1
Download the update first
U need to turn a thing off in ur bios
I will help u do that
But first show the update
didn't have anything to dowload
in this website
What website are u on

what i should load it
Search this on ur browser
Galax a320m motherboard latest bios update

The 2nd one

i use r7 2700
click specifications if it is ur exact model
it should match in
and just turn off write protection in ur bios as it says

description page

u need to make sure u downloaded the right bios image file
so check carefully
which is this foe
i load it what next?
Scroll to the top of this
The details should be there

yes follow the guide
Or follow this video
BIOS Update Galax A320M AMD Motherboard in Hindi 2022
Namaskar Doston! Video ko bina skip kiye anth tak dekhiyega 🤞, agar channel pe naye ho toh subscribe zaroor kijiyega 💯💯💯. Enjoy the video -)
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fa...
If u get confused during the process
Also MAKE SURE ur pc doesn't turn off during the update or say goodbye to ur motherboard
I can’t F11
When to press f11
Del key, no?
anyway the key that let's u boot into bios
If I will new mortherboard can it play Valorant?
If u get the right motherboard then yes
U can even contact support and they might allow u to play without tpm
I’ll try
Do the bios update first
I can’t press F11
Why tf do u need to press f11 for
It in the guide
I can’t do the same method that u sent
Gimme a sec
Oh u r having to use a usb
There should be a boot option without having to press f11
i have it
didn't u used del key
to boot into ur bios
use that
the docs sometimes can be wrong
especially from low-end manufacturers
am lazy now about next week ill buy new mortherboard
srry for wasting ur time to help me
just keep in mind mobos aren't cheap
what is mobos?
F11 is to select ur boot device
He needs to boot from his usb
u can do that within windows
i just let my friend login in my acc his PC can play his own acc but when he login my acc it same as me

friend pic
before he login he can play valorant normaly
u can contact support to remove the restrictions btw
its per account
that mean when i get new mortherboard i still complete the TPM 2.0 and secure boot again?
u still need them
if i use another computer to finish them and i can play valorant in my PC?
not sure, prob not
u can play on that pc that met the requirements, but not that one that didn't meet