My game just recently started randomly crashing and idk why it does that...
Tried reinstalling but did not work.
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143 Replies
Is it crashing mid game?
Or when u like alt tab or just as u start a match or crashes on loading screen
It crashes midgame
Never when i am in the lobby or in agent select
I do have enough Ram and i also have around 100gb of storage left on my ssd
How much is enough?
32gb Ram
And i have never had other games running at the same time
What do you mean by crashing?
Do you get the dump error?
Where it asks you to create a memory dump
It just closes itself and there i am on my homescreen
When does it crash?
Randomly midgame
Never in the lobby or in agent select
Launch the game and go into the shooting range
Wait a minute open task manager and send me a photo of it
I am sadly not home at the moment but i looked it up yesterday and i can tell you that i only use areound 25% of my cpu
Also, if you know how to turn on task managers GPU category
Oh ok
25% for valorant or total
What CPU do you have?
I7 12400KF I think
Thatβs not possible
That product number does not match
could be i7 12700
It has to be that
okay yeah then its that one
Iβm guessing your gpu is also high-end
What again is a gpu ?
Ah yeah sry
Ur graphics card
its a 3070
Yeah I donβt see an issue there
@jidat I canβt fall asleep
Sooooo Iβm here now
Have u recently updated ur drivers?
Count sheeps :val_CatBigStare:
I have updated them after the game crashes started
It works
It really does
So anyway
:Bedge: π
Do a memory test
How often does it crash?
After around 2 matches and after the first time it crashed it happens more often
Whats that ?
It make sure your ram isnβt dying
A very bad bad thing
So I hope it isnβt that
Why would ram die ?
Cuz i stabbed it
Does it crash in any other games or just valo?
Not that i know
Does windows crash
I dont think so
It started happening after the new patch?
Eh that was around 2 days ago ? Right ?
never had problems before
A little more than that
But figures
a) do the memory test to be safe, b) having the crash logs will be helpful
I canβt read them rn but I will in the morning
Alright ill try to do that
Also when u reinstalled the game, did u fully uninstall val,riot client and vanguard or just deleted their folders and went on with ur day?:val_CatBigStare:
I reinstalled valorant
Idk if that was enough
U didn't reinstall vanguard?
I am not sure
Reinstall it then
Alright ill do that right after the memory test
When i am home...
Thank you guys for the help
have the same issue. game closes after u already played a game in the 2nd game mid game no error. Tried reinstalling vanguard, riot, valorant twice and it didnt work. also updated drivers. This is an issue since the patch a decent amount of people have been having it. Sent a ticket to riot they asked me for logs and said they were working on it. I would recommend restarting ur pc after each game. Factory resetting pc also worked for some people apparently
Oh alright then... btw what is factory resetting ?
Wiping all the data on ur pc basically. I would not recommend it if u have imporant stuff just wait for the patch. Also disabling anti virus and disabling medal also helped me a bit
Everytime before u play a match just restart pc only thing that worked 100% for me
Alright ill do that
Thanks man
Huh weird
The only thing i can make out from this is vanguard changing or corrupting a file after the patch
Or ur antivirus shutting vanguard off
Yeah I looked into both of those it could possibly be the vanguard issue since Iβm not positive I did the best possible way to reinstall it but all I know is itβs not just him
check for corrupted files by going to cmd running it as administrator and typing the cmd "sfc /scannow"
I've tried everything I've suggested to Riot and reinstalled Windows. But this is continuing and all my friends in Korea seem to be experiencing an error after the patch.
Reinstalling the vanguard
ddu - latest version graphics card driver
Reinstall Windows 10
Reinstalling the game
Update after bios initialization
I tried everything, but it didn't work.
I also monitored it with HWMonitor, but there was no problem with the parts at all.
You did a memory test right?
And the result?
Thatβs not a memory test
Press type that into windows search
You should get the windows memory diagnostic

Windows Memory Diagnostics tested your computer's memory and confirmed that there were no errors.
this is what riot said. For me I believe it was actually Medal doing it

Did that work out?
havent played a game yet but before that i believe whenever i didnt have medal running it didnt crash
ill let u know after my game though
My girlfriend uses outplayed too but she doesn't have the same problem as me
its obviously not gonna be everyone just try disabling some and see if it works
happening to me too
it was happening to me too the other days
mid game randomly
just completely closed without any message or confirmation
is this whats happening to u
check video
same exact thing
i was smoking site and the next everything just disappears
How is it?
i dont have medal or any recording software
i usually only have valorant tracker open but it used to be fine
I've been playing 4 games, but there's no crashing
valorant tracker overwolf?
it was happening yesterday and the day before that
i closed it
but i played 3 games today and it was fine
and it still
and it only seems to happen in comp for me
another thing for me is that it only crashes once
so if u play another match after restarting valorant after it crashes
it doesnt crash again
It's obvious that vanguard is taking the wrong program
until the next day
why would they force close any of my programs to begin with?
Hm is it showing any error codes?
So it doesn't interfere with vanguard
To ensure nobody is cheating
nope nada
No error code. Just close it
but if i dont have any exploits or cheats why is it still closing my stuff
Whats ur disk,cpu and ram usage at the time of crash?
usually like 60% for ram
Like what?
cpu is like 40-50%
Its closing what?
vanguard closes valorant
What is closing valorant?
at least thats what im hearing from u guys
Where did u get that from?
and i always play with google and stuff closed
And who is he?
To say that
Vanguard will never close valorant like that
well what do u know
so valorant just randomly closes for no reason?
Alot actually
There is a reason for evrything
so do you know why valorant closes randomly then?
no error codes
What u can do is reinstall vanguard completely
just straight to my desktop
tried that
Itβs no use.
uninstalled vanguard and riot client
and valorant
literally doesnt change anything
and it only started after the new patch
Did u delete them using control panel?
It's no use installing a new vanguard
Also deleted the folders
yeah i do that
razer cortex and i go into the valorant folders n stuff
Whats the up time on ur cpu?
2 hours rn
after 3 valorant matches too
so i got on and played 3 matches
but usually its like 10-20 minutes after i boot up my computer
and i have fast startup disabled
so cpu starts fresh
Did it crash during those matches?
How often does the crash happens anyway
It's random, so we can't know exactly
Have you guys opened tickets?
Not yet
Please open one
You can use the link below
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
I heard that the support hasnt really done anything for the people who have opened tickets
They jus say the same thing and the normal trouble shooting stuff
yep opened one yesterday
no response yet
Thatβs a literally what theyβre supposed to do
Yeah but it doesnt work
Like capping ur fps to ur monitor refresh rate aint gonna change a thing
If valorant still crashes
How many people are having this? Valorant crashing completely?
If you could please reply to that message
ur laptop or pc sucks
Might have something to do with drivers
I say wipe ur nvidia drivers and reinstall them
For me it was fine for 2 days and yesterday my game closed itself twice but i was able to renter thr game like normal. My drivers should all be up to date
Did it happen today?
Well timezone wise yesterday and today mid night(arpund like midnight or so GMT+1)
try this by the way

Funny is. Yesterday i didnt had it but my friend did XD
My friend from Germany baught herself a new Pc so that her crashes (because of hardware) would not happen again. It arrived last friday and since then my game started crashing...
Btw there is another thing that could help
I have not tried it yet but we could reinstall graphics drivers
just search up "ddu uninstaller"
Is this from wikipedia ?
are they saying monitors cant show more than 60 Hz ?