ReCaptcha verify - The response ended prematurely
I an getting this error, when sending captchaData to the server for verifying. I would think the problem would be with accessing internet connection, but as far as I can see, the recaptcha verifying site can be accessed from the server. (
Any idea what else can i check?
13 Replies
Make sure that you're sending the full response?
It's hard to be more specific with so little detail
Yeah ik, but I dont know what else could I say more...
I am using
var isCaptchaValid = await _recaptchaService.VerifyAsync(model.CaptchaResponse);
and it throws and exception
It works locally and on first server, but not on the second server. (I am using correct Captcha keys for specific domain)Oh, it's a HttpClient error. That wasn't clear -- it sounded like an error from recaptcha
Look at the InnerException(s)
ah yes, sorry...
i am only getting this:
in debug, the application is sending reques to this site:
which can be opened in chrome for example, so idk why would it fail when calling from the API
Can you debug it, break when the exception is thrown and inspect the exception?
sadly not.. i can access this server only from RDP inside RDP... I dont know how can i duplicate the issue
I have some additional info.. 🙂
I can open that link in browser, but can't curl it from cmd.
I assume its something with firewall or something like that?

That's schannel, the windows certificate store stuff
Check your event log maybe, see if it logged a more specific error
ah yes i see. This is the error:
(Trustworthiness there is being determined by the Windows cert store stuff of course: nothing to do with .NET)
aha okay. I assume this should be done by sysadmin, or could I do that without any particular permissions?
No idea I'm afraid -- I haven't seen that specific error before
okay. Thank you for your help!