VAN 9003
so i have an errorr sayinn secure boot or sm, idk how to fix lmk if u do my friend said uninstall the game n rreinstall, shall i?
40 Replies
That won't fix it
why did valorant even did this
Press windows+r on ur keyboard and type msinfo32
Send an ss of the app that opens
To ensure people are not cheating
js tell me what part u wanna know
Just send the whole thing
Blur ur username if u want to
i cant a lot of things r important on there
js tell me which thing exaclty
Like what?
yk what fine
lemme ss
What does it say for "secure boot"?
I can't read that
Also why did u delete that
Send it again
it said " off "
Ok what motherboard do u have?

Ok wait 1 sec
Pc or laptop?
Restart ur pc/laptop and keep pressing F2 on ur keyboard while its starting until bios opens
Also use ur phone to chat here
I hope he didn't just open bios and is now wondering what to do š
i still didnt
ik that thing is from bios but ion wanna open bios really rn as i just bought my pc for a band
It won't hurt ur pc in any way
Just don't touch random settings
its f1 i suppose?
Uh it should be F2 or delete key
Use ur phone to chat here btw
Cuz i will need some photos
@jidat i updated the vanguad and it worked
How tf was secure boot involved then
oh nvm it didnt
Now open bios
ill lyk when ill open it
:Iso_Wow: :Iso_Wow:
can someone help me?
i have same

Make ur own ticket
u here?
So open ur bios
aight so what do i do rnn
how to
Start/restart ur pc and spam F2 key on ur keyboard
It might be the delete key but try F2 first
Use ur phone to chat here
@$ Rayan u there?
I am gonna go to sleep in 5 mins so u better hurry up :Gekko_Wingman_Pat:
thank uuuuu
i js needed
what to activate
thank uuuuu
very muchh
Is ur game working now?
u deserve a role here ngll
Iām mark this as solved