TPM In Windows 10 :(
my secure boot is ON and VBS is OFF but already i have this error why ??
i dont have TPM 2.0
33 Replies
then contact support
and tell them ur device doesn't support tpm 2.0
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i know
but VANGUARD say Off VBS and play valo
thats not an vbs error
thats a direct tpm requirement
u must enable it
or contact support to remove the restrictions for ur account
if ur device doesn't support it
what's ur mobo?
maybe show me ur bios?

ur bios/uefi won't tell the os
if they have tpm or not
they only tell if it's enabled or disabled
nor the os would be able to detect if there's a tpm
boot into ur bios
show me pic
i have TPM 1.2
which laptop
show msinfo32

use this
u will get a tpmconfig64 exe file after u extracted them
i updateed now
lets go chech
@mythea i changed my acc and its work :///
but my acc need TPM 2.0
why ?
the restrictions is per account
why my main acc need TPM 2.0
because u need
my multi acc donet need TPM 2.0
im in valo
I said the restriction is per account
and just fucking enable it
don't talk non sense
i updated Bios
I already send u the link that can let u flash ur tpm to 2.0 specs
and cannot work
show me?
this file
just show pictures
atleast I can guide u
don't just tell it doesn't work, that's so confusing, give more info

now TPM is enable
but 1.2
yeah fucking click on that link I sent u
that's what u need to flash ur tpm to 2.0 specs
that link is safe
it's fucking from hp themselves

and Now ?
use this one

Thanx :)