Finding boy scouts shirt in Europe

Hi, I was wondering if anybody has an idea where to look for those bright red Boy Scouts of America shirts in Europe? I like the colour and those patches are kind of cute.
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5 Replies
Smiles5mo ago
Trawl ebay for an American who will ship overseas
kyoko5mo ago
Check depop too, they usually have international shipping included on the listing if they're willing to ship I hope you can find one, mine is one of my favorite pieces ♥️
briquebrutale5mo ago
Try Etsy; some vintage shops may have them!
billybearham5mo ago
if you're anywhere near london i'm like 99% sure i saw one of these or it's doppelganger in one of the vintage stores near notting hill gate.
lexo5mo ago
Oh thanks, didn't realize that was an option! Great suggestion, thank you 🙂 Not in the UK unfortunately but will keep in mind in case I ever make it there