When I try to send in a ticket on valorant support it says I made one and after a day it goes away.
I am trying to discuss my ban on my valorant account and a BOT replies, and after one day my ticket will just go away. Please send help, ive been struggling with this for maybe a month ever since I was banned.
17 Replies
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The whole email they sent u
alr just give me a second

Ig it can't be lifted then
What did u get banned for?
So I recently got my Rainbow Six Siege account hacked (I can send you screenshots) and the day after that I get banned from Valorant for 3rd party software usage, which I wasnt using, so I didnt stop bugging valorant about it, and when I tried to ask them to maybe see if someone else logged into my account they just never responded and thats when this started happening.
Screenshots of the rainbow six siege account hack and a billion emails from ubisoft asking for 2-step verification codes

When I tried to change my password the account was already hacked
so my brother wiped my PC for me (im not that big into pc's)
but they say after 3-4 days, and the ticket is supposed to stay in 'my tickets', but after one day it just dissapears
have u tried sending another ticket
I have sent around 3 tickets after that and it says my ticket went through, but I would never recieve an email.
maybe cuz u already sent several
they did say that if they find the ban to be fair they won’t reach back
the 3-4 days is just an estimate
yes I know its easy to say the ban is false from my side, but I didnt do shit
valorant was legit my main game
so why would I cheat
Hey have you been using Blitz by any chance?
hey if your talking about background apps, I use ExitLag, Blitz and Medal
I think it's because of Blitz
yea riot doesnt have blacklisted apps its just whitelisted apps only so if smth isnt on there vanguard is gonna think ur cheating and ban u
what do you guys think i should do?
theres nothing you can do except tickets
and the tickets didnt work
just keep your credentials to yourself next time
also, if someone hacks your siege account you wont get banned in val
unless they got both your accounts
story doesnt add up