Trying to find main

Hi all how I said in the title I'm trying to find main agent/role to play. Right now I'm mostly filling with agents I like to play (sova, Yoru, raze, omen,killjoy) but I can play some more agents but worse with them. And I'm Iron3/Bronze1 Any advice appreciated Thanks for reading
2 Replies
yodoxxed13mo ago
hmm ill analyze the few agents u mentioned play sova if u feel like memorizing lineups and pulling up impressive plays but make sure not to shock dart\ult ur teamates play yoru if ur rlly good at entrying and using the tps, clones etc but i wont recommend because of the fake u cant fake yoru clone at iron\bronze lobbies since they shoot everything that moves and the fact that u will have to put up the stress that ur teamates will provide u such as "entry pls" "bot frag duelist" blind own teamates" play omen if u dont want the stress of being a duelist\lineups user and you know how to play smokes (also make sure to utilize ur tp to tp on some rat spots that gurantee you kills) lastly play kj if you know how to utilize your turrets, alarm bot and swarm nade but you gotta make sure you dont give fake info to your team thats all
JakulovikOP13mo ago
Thanks for all answers

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