28-30 fps issue on 1650
my lapton has 1650ti
when i open valo and go for a match the first few secounds the fps is 100+ then suddenly goes down the way to 28 and stays idk why this is happening. I am back to valo after 1 year. i tried reinstalling the game.
85 Replies
Whats the ram,cpu and disk utilization at that time?
Give ur valo and win 64 shipping high priority in graphics setting of ur pc
check it in game or on lap settings?
Using task manager

Still the same @Talonted Gamer @jidat
Do that @no
whats win 64?
Win 64 shipping
Another val related app
i cant find it
Uh it will be in binaries i think in the same
In the same folder
crashreportclient or unrealCEFsubprocess ?
Its literally called win 64 shipping
yes inside that folder these are the 2 showing up
See the other folder
@Talonted Gamer

Switch it to high
And also make sure u always play with ur charger plugged in
fr ik very well how gaming laps work
there is too much over there
umm there is alot of personal info over there what do you exactly want? @Talonted Gamer
@Talonted Gamer

I'm facing that same issue
I also have 1650ti
bru common ...
whats your fps?
yes mine is 1650ti
I have 16gb ram
how much are you getting
game drivers
did already
still around 20
they are off
its auto select
@Talonted Gamer should i click restore?
game is optimized
@Talonted Gamer
ah man
just oned

@bizarousince when are you facing this issue?
After new graphic driver update
lol i reset my pc
i havent played since last week
i came back saw new update
installed it
and my fps went4-5
not working
my aswell
later im tired
thanks @Talonted Gamer ❤️
is this the one before ?
I tried that too
lemme see
you think it's because of the new graphic driver update?
it's unstable or smtg
it does but I don't wanna upgrade
win11 is so shit
bc lol
Imma do that and let you know in a bit
ty tho
solved the issue
My amd drivers weren't updated
the moment I did that everything went back to normal
@Talonted Gamer @no
Do you have a fps cap in ur valo settings?
How tf did amd drivers help u fix a issue with an nvidia card :val_KekwSob:
bruh i have amd processor
amd drivers weren't updated ig that's why it struck my laptop to have 64hz rather than 144 hz
when i updated them automatically it revered back to 144hz and 100+ in-game fps
:val_KekwSob: not working for me.
help me please.
are you plugged in
ofc ik how gaming lap works
yeah okay so it just stops at 30 ?
or goes way low like 15 , 10
it doesnt go 34 , 32 ?
first few seconds 110+
then 20-30
no im asking whether it goes above 30 like 31 , 34
yeah its capped at 30
did you check your settings ? see if any thing says 30
caps are off
dude i checked all these
there is nothing to do w the game
yeah i know but if it doesnt go above 30 , some thing in the system is restricting it
did you check the same with another game
yes RL
yes lags
same fps ?
is the charger ded or something
check ur temps?
either in game and idle
possibly overheating
One guy said all he had to do was to update drivers of both integrated and dedicated gpus to fix this issue
theyre thermal throttling
u need to repaste
very likely
why would u think that username is something sensitive
How do I fix it?
ur thermal paste/grease
change your fan curve to max even when idle
I am using a laptop
then open it up
idk what u thinking
Can we do on our own?
u can
Oh but the few seconds I said was
if u arent confident enough to do that
2-5 seconds
just send it to a pc store
So possibly couldn’t be a overheating issue
thats how overheating issue acts like
are u stupid or smth
bcuz the first few seconds werent thermal throttling
just monitor ur usage and temps
u will find out
@no if you have apps like valorant tracker and blitz running in back ground close them
they cause a lot of lag
Just look at ur temps with msi afterburner or sum when playing
U don't straight up need to repaste it
lmao who uses irl name as an os username
but ok