Valorant wont update.....
valorant update just spins and doesn't finish stuck at 0
18 Replies
After u click the update, press the back option once. On the top left u should be able to see a download bar going in a circle. Wait for like 5-10 mins after u start updating then check that. If it moves even a little bit then wait for some more time
If it doesn't move then we can find another solution
doesnt show

Click the update option first

its been updating
Force close it using task manager
tried that too
Wait 1 min
Try cs2 instead
Is ur internet fine?
doesnt have these issues
yeah full internet
i do play CS2
Check its speed rn
fk valorant then.
While the update is running
cs2 better
download 947 upload 36
Do the commands and reboot ur router as he said