fps cap
idk how, but before i had 100+ fps on my laptop, and i just noticed a few days ago its capped at 60 now. v sync off, max frame rate off, nvidia frame cap off, display on 144hz, pls help.
57 Replies
Someone said that giving high priority to win 64 shipping and val in task manager fixed it for them
Haven't seen it for myself so Can't confirm
Uh someone said it in #valorant is capped at 60, without vsync on , it runs above 60 (upto like 300) when in windowed mode
yep mine is already like this
dont have it

u mean expand?

send a picture of this
Thats old valo back ground
He alrdy said he has all of the limit fps things turned off

and the ingame fps counter says 60?
done doesnt work
try turning reflex low latency to on+boost
scout scout which cpu
i have the same issue but i solved it
like rn
What did u do?
in amd adrenalin software , i set the laptop mode to custom , clicked advanced settings , set the frame rate target control to like 300 ( because my system reaches 300fps mostly , if yours reaches 200 ish or 200+ , set it to 250 or something) and then i logged into the game and it seems to uncap the 60 fps
for AMD
Isn't there an option to simply not to control that?
i dont think so
you might have to hard reset your system , but on that too , im not really sure if its gonna work
this is safe
and it seems to work well
i monitored the system and seems pretty normal to me
Well if it fixes then no need to dig more into it
Unless its causing something like input delay
Which i don't think it can cause that
Yeah no input delay dw
Vsync causes input delay so better to leave it uncapped
lol why would you want v sync on anyways
thats why it's off
3050 laptop
i asked cpu not gpu
amd or intel
oh, intel i5 1240p
you might have an intel software in the laptop
like uh
try with reflex off
like a control panel
doesnt work my dude
and in GeForce experience or smth else, turn ur battery profile to max performance
thats when youre not plugged in
it doesnt work when you are plugged in
you dont play on battery when youre plugged in
who knows if he's not plugged in
he stated that he had 100+ fps before and if youre not plugged in , the fps will automatically go to 30 to save battery idk if youj know that
and turning the battery profile to perfomance just sets it to 60
but he had 100 before so i can assume that he is plugged in
i mean anyone who buys a gaming laptop should know that its common knowledge
that problem seems to occur on Nvidia gpus only
I can't replicate, I don't have Nvidia
i personally dont think its a gpu problem cause right when you tab out it goes above 60 and it goes back to 60 when youre back in game ,it has something to do with display
thats why i had to do it from amd adrenalin
there the target fps is set to 60
i changed it and it works well
I mean something Nvidia is capping
when u go fullscreen exclusive
I've never heard someone who has this problem on amd
thats me dude
unless they turned on some features
it's off by default
uh np
maybe u turned on the recent hypr rx eco feature
yes it is
I'm pretty sure
nah , i swear it was turned on and set to 60
u clicked on something when it asked?
it's off by default
i didnt even realise there was an option like that cause it was an expandable one
ask someone else
when i expanded it , it showed the target fps control set to 60 and turned on
i changed it
they will tell u the same answer
i swear to god , its not
then it's ur oem
what gpu are you daily driving
who, me?
590 gme
Skill issue
thats nice
what are u using then
Upgraded yesterday
oh damn yesterday nice
Im gonna upgrade it to 4080 next month or april maybe