inthernet and fps problems
I have notification in Game in Corner low fps client and problems with Connection but i have okay PC and good inthernet
43 Replies
can someone help?
enable the graphs for fps, Network RTT and packet loss
esc - video - stats
yes and
play a game
look what is wrong
look for any spikes. either in Network RTT (=ping), FPS or packet loss
all is good idk
congrats on solving your issue then :OKAY:
but still i have lags XDDD
thats a problem
and+ i have no sound sometimes
but thats not how the signs in the top right corner work.
if you do have these things like "low client fps" but actually no low fps - that doesnt work
i dont understand
these things come in pairs

no spikes in the graphs, no warning in the corner
warning in the corner, spikes in the graph
i have warning but no spikes in graphs
warning but no spikes - doesnt work
ehh i still dont understand
im recording my match]
look at this
i dont see the fps graph
also no warning?
no warning
and no graph
activate fps graph and repeat the whole step with the recording
yes bcs i can only inthernet or only fps
dont use the presets

use preset None but scroll down
oh god
that was last minutes match
do you actually lag like that when playing or does the recording thing lag? since the fps graph is always above 60
due to that, there is no warning in the corner too
should just be a configuration problem with the recording software i guess
without recording is the same problem
2 weeks ago i got banned for week for afk
on deathmatch
bcs im joining deatmatch sometimes when score is like 15-15
but like there is no way youre still hitting shots with 2 fps
fps graph shows alright fps at all times
game doesnt show low fps problem
-> not the games issue
It just so happened that there was nothing in the corner
i can find something with this
there is no warning about low fps in the corner because your valorant doesnt have low fps
but sometimes i see low client fps
but this isnt the problem here, is it?
im sorry you got me confused
i dont know haha
1. Idk what that means
2. i still dont see the fps graph

network problems
but its not fps
warning is about network
you could open up every graph that is network related, and when the warning pops up you just look which graph has a spike
to identify the problem
I'll try it
im trying to reinstall riot