apparently vangaurd bans you for not playing the game and having tpm 2.0
They ban you for just playing the game?
120 Replies

didnt even play the game for weeks and i got banned
so unless the ban report said "fuck you, you're not addicted to our game so you're banned cya later" there is a valid reason
besides "becuase you didnt play the game"
i have never said freak you in my life
what games did you play when you stopped playing valorant
did you have any fortnite applications that you downloaded
like something that helps ur mouse move faster
other than alphares
no doint think so
or those controller things
wher eit makes the game think ur on controller
so it gives u aimbot
i dont play controller
so idk
like ur on pc, and u download something to trick the game into thinking ure on a controller so it gives u aim assist
oh like a ai cheat
i was trying to pirate gta 5 but got a virus
alr so
i searched up alphares
i think thats the problem
the game probably flagged ur computer
yea but its not related to valorant
but its still on your computer
so probably uninstall that
i recently deleted before i got banned
and wait out your ban
so you didnt have alphares when u got banned?
so maybe a delay ban
nah that doesnt rlly make sense
unless u played valorant WITH alphares on
alphares only works with forntite
i wish it did on val
i would get true res
and get banned
you cant do anything here
go to support
submit a ticket
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
theres no point even if i do get unbanned ima get that tpm 2.0 error
they will never ban u for that reason
try again
thats not even something people would believe
yea after the update i thought like they fixed the bug but to my suprise i got banned
what bug
its one of the requirement, especially if u are on win11
not bug
my device is like to bad and poor to even run windows 11
u can still get that on win10
and they dont ban u for that
who capping? u?
ive tried all the methods that the tech support in this discord helped me but they cant find like a certain option to enable tpm
they said to contact valorant
then ur mobo doesnt support tpm
i guess so
and it wont fucking ban u for that
but why would i need it tpm 2.0 if i was just playing with tpm 1.2 fine on valorant
ur account may have been compromised
and that guy cheated on ur account
no its because i sent like 2 tickets
sending tickets wont get u banned
and i wrote a big ass essay
u can be stupid, but dont try to act stupid, pls
i said that you guy s only do this to me because im asain
clearly has no relation to ur ban
no i got banned like right after i sent 2 tickets about my issue
why would you say that

so it seems like ur ubisoft account got compromised
and maybe u have same password
with ur riot account
so ur riot account was compromised too
that hacker cheated on ur account
thats the reason
u got banned
can i get your tracker?
cuz maybe someone played on ur acc
whats a tracker
its incredibally unlikely that someone would get ur ubisoft acc
then randomly try riot games
but its possible
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bro stop trying to act stupid
who me
and say something like "they do this to me because im asian"
yes because all my friend play peacefully and im sad
ur account was compromised
u gotta be like
how would val even do that ur asian bro what 💀
thats like the dumbest thing you couldve said to the one person who can get ur account back
literally asians own riot
or in control of your account
on god
i bet he has same password on all his accounts
i eman
i mean
i do too
yo you guys are cooking me for no apparent reason
but my usernames are all different
wdym bro
u cooked urself
the worst thing is he couldnt even realize his accounts were compromised
"why u ban me cuz im asian"
yea thats true
stop cooking dude
u are the only one cooking here
you say that because i like cooking dog/
dont tell me that you actually think they banned u cuz ur asian
alrighgt bro
alr thats it
im out
wtf is this conversation going
im out
have a good day
ok bye
Please understand that it was a coincidence; there is no correlation between your tickets sent to Riot and your current restriction
ok so what do i do
common sense bro
how old are u
you said my account are compromised but i never use those accounts
why would i give you that infomation when i just need help with this
maybe use a translator
and look what "compromised" means
yea so what
lemme use somewhat easier
yea that technically means someone fucking attacked my computor or something never heard that word in my life
ur accounts were hacked?
cant u see there
i just never use them
u got those email and password change requests, dude
cant u see them
literally right on ur face
alright bro thats how i know your racisyt
you say i cant see
im asian btw
stop cooking urself
yeah hes right
u cooked urself
ok ok my bad my bad
i cant help u
help me
im soryr
i didnt write cuz im asian stuff
idk what ur school taught u, but ok
all u know is racism
u blame everything on it
well actually they taught me english, math, pe, science
yes i am but your asian so you dont take that as offensive
so anyways
what can i do
what can u do?
check ur mails
change ur passwords
i never use those accounts
can you understand the words coming out of my mouth
then why do u have so many password and email change requests in ur mailbox
the only accounts that is hooked up to my flipping riots account
@Shotbyan Head to one of your open tickets with Riot. Here you should explain you have a new issue. Ask about more information about your suspension. Explain that your accounts on other platforms have been compromised and you believe that has to do with this suspension.
Make sure that you contact them with candor, proper grammar, respect, and patience. I recommend getting your parental guardian to write this for you. Thats the only thing you can do
are you serious
its 2024 im using 2024 slanf
your not gonna say that to him he has a crying emoji when hes litterally not crying
You don’t use slang in emails anyways unless it’s personal.. I believe they’re just trying to tell you to be professional when contacting riot support because bringing up your race like you did isn’t professional and riot likely won’t bother with childlike behavior