63 Replies
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
What thanks 💀
Send the photo of what opens there man

Open cmd (command prompt) as admin
And enter this:
shutdown.exe -t 0 -r -fw

shutdown /r /fw /t 0
I did that should I also take a pic of that?
Is it the same error

after u did that
u will be in ur bios settings
Not the right error
turn secure boot on
reset to factory keys
save and restart
Did this command work?
Oh ok
Go to the security tab in the bottom right
You should see secure boot there
Click on it and then set secure boot to enabled
Set secure boot mode to custom
Then enroll all factory default keys
Press the X on the top right it should ask you to save changes and exit
Press yes and you're done
I cant find neither security tab or secure boot I watched a tutorial on how to access it but it wasnt like that and I couldnt find videos about MSI specifically.
show pictures?
of what?
Your bios
Sorry, I forgot to tell you to go to advanced mode
Press f7 on your keyboard
Or press advanced at the top of the screen
What should I do now?

Press OK and follow the rest of the instructions
After all of that has been done, please send me an photo
Just so I can see if all of the settings were applied correct
I pressed ok but it stayed disabled is that okay?
show pic?
u havent done everything yet

ok what
just show us pictures
its easier to guide u
that way
change it to enabled
then enroll all factory keys
I cant
what does it say
then choose enroll keys first
I press yes here


Yes again?
It says reset without saving?
Press no
It just wasn't loading

I did
Press no
I did
Are you saying every time you press no it keeps on popping back up?
Or that pressing no doesn't do anything
I didnt do anything
so I can now enabble it and I did but it still says that error code
so now it says on

Try Valorant
the error message still popped up
TPM also needed to be turned on
Security\Trusted Computing > Security Device Support > Enable.
TPM Device Selection: PTT.
IT WORKS! Thank you so much for helping me and I am sorry for the trouble I caused.
Turn on secure boot and tpm