42 Replies
this what it is before it happend

Is it affecting u in anyway?
no but every time a login i cant read the text beacause its so small.
Tried dragging it to make it full screen?
Riot Client dosent allow to go full screen.
I meant like the original size
nope it dosent allow me to do fullscreen.
Ngl i have never seen that happen
The client doesn't allow you to resize the window
Yeah idk how it happend.
I have no idea about this tbh
You're using a custom font
That's why
Maybe re install
Straight up reinstall? 💀
i dont use any costom font
That isn't the windows default font
alr imma try that.
Wait actually looking at the screenshot again it's really hard to tell
The menu that you're talking about doesn't look normal
Its just a rly big monitor
But the windows taskbar looks normal
Yeah, 100%
im using a 1080p 21 inch monitor.
Go inside of the display settings in windows
this was the normal size of it

Btw have u tried closing riot client with task manager and opening again?
yeah tried that and tried rebooting but still the same
but imma try re install of riot client rn
Try changing the resolution
And see how the riot client window changes according to it
its still the same its still small.

Make it the lowest resolution
And change it back to the recommended
still the same.

Reinstall riot client
Fixxed it

just needed to re install Riot games*
hello again just turn on my pc and riot client it went back to a small thing again.
