Lag when loading into a game
So I just started to play Valorant again after a year. Everything is fine but when I want to get into the match my game lags and stays on loading for a few minutes. Then I get into already started game and get a warning. I am scared that my account will get banned because of that. How can I fix it?
34 Replies
@AlecWoLF is your game on your HDD or SSD?
I think I only have ssd
Should it be installed on C?
I have it on D
Wdm? Should I install it again on C?
Okay I did that, should I try now to play? Can I use bots to check if it will load alright?
The mode with bots I mean
My god the game loads so slowly too sigh
It loaded maybe a little faster
is ur d ssd or hdd
u can check in task manager
easiest way
What about long launching the game? Eh, it was fine a year ago and now its a struggle
Dont mind the polish. So D is on HDD?? I thought I didnt have it??

I didnt tag you sorry
So its on ur hdd
Move it to C and then try
Also u need to redirect the path of ur valo and riot client shortcut on ur desktop after moving it to C
yeah install ur game at ssd
ur c drive
okay, will do
do i just make a shortcut from the folder i installed valorant in?
and do i need to move whole riot client? i just moved valorant
U have to move the whole riot games folder
can I do that without reinstalling it?
oh no I dont have enough space DDD:
How many gbs is ur ssd?
What do u have in there thats taking that much space?
I literally have no idea
is this much gb even enough for the game and riot launcher?
i dont understand why valorant was working a year ago and not now
Its just ur hdd getting old ig
What if I bought a new ssd?
I would suggest to just free some space on ur current ssd
I will try that. How much GB do I need to free?
Just look at the size of riot games folder
Also u should keep like atleast 30% of the drive free on which ur OS is installed
Just a recommendation
Okay, thanks, i will try that later
val is currently about 45gb
I have no idea what to do and why does it take so much space...

the nvidia folder?
shader cache i think
idk nvidia
i dont have one
amd does save there
& use windows built in disk cleanup
theres further more actually
like the installer folder in %windir%
How much does Windows 10 take GB?
I have no idea what to do. I dont understand what takes 80gb
around 30 or like 35 40 stock winblows
win11 24h2 insider builds have it optimized to like less 20gb(no bloats, and yes they finally removed deprecated shit
ask google
windows itself, including pagefile(virtual ram/swap file), some programs, installer cache files, etc
oh btw
search winsxs cleanup microsoft learn
i never install program on disc c
i did it and it didnt do anything
the first result likely
there's two command
copy n paste it
do u even know how to use google
i mean i did the winsxs cleanup?
it does something
just u can't notice