Need help in setting up URL for my Web Server

Hello, I want to be able to access my website without having put in the port i.e ip:port, I want to access it with a simple subdomain like without having to put in the port. Is it possible to do this with cloudflare?
11 Replies
Guex13mo ago
You can create a subdomain by adding a CNAME record:
CNAME yoursubdomain yourdomain
CNAME yoursubdomain yourdomain
Once done: Rules > Page Rules > Create Page Rule - write your subdomain > select Forwarding URL > write http://yourip:port/ > Save & Deploy Lmk if it work
SamDaaEpicOP13mo ago
What do I need to do in creating the CNAME record? I understood in the page rule but can't understand what to enter in the CNAME record I created it and it seems to work But I don't want the actual ip:port to show in the search bar, i just want my website to be referred to as the new The solution you mentioned above just makes the to go to the ip:port
Mackenly13mo ago
Are you hosting this locally or on a cloud server? And what is the port number?
SamDaaEpicOP13mo ago
I'm hosting it locally and I do have it port forwarded and available outside my local network. I want to access my jellyfin instance i.e 8096 TCP port I'm just trying to access my jellyfin instance without having to put in the port in the url I'm very new to all this networking stuff, so I don't really know much. It isn't possible without proxying it? Is there any other way I can achieve this? nginx reverse proxy manager?
Mackenly13mo ago
DNS doesn't care about ports. The port used is determined by the protocol. This is something where you need to change the port your server listens to. I don't run jellyfin, but a few other tools I run locally I use Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnels to connect to. This prevents my public IP from being exposed to the public and allows me to easily select the port I want traffic to go to. @Leo Would the same video rules be applicable to tunnels?
SamDaaEpicOP13mo ago
I got it setup through nginx proxy manager thanks Is using guacamole allowed through cloudflare? like vnc? Is it possible to reverse proxy ssh? Like I have sshd run on port 8090 and I want to access it with a subdomain with the port 22? is it not possible to do that? it only shows http and https. How can I use it for TCP?
SamDaaEpicOP13mo ago
what does this mean?
No description
SamDaaEpicOP13mo ago
I'm trying to access a A record created in cloudflare and it is showing this error for only one specific subdomain and all the other subdomains are working fine for me
SamDaaEpicOP13mo ago
No description
SamDaaEpicOP13mo ago
No description
SamDaaEpicOP13mo ago
This is for a specific subdomain And all the other subdomains are working fine I tried recreating the subdomain but it still shows the same error Is it due to certificates and stuff? I did try using lets encrypt with nginx proxy manager and it didn't work @Leo Do you know what could be causing this? If I'm not proxying the DNS record, it is allowed to stream videos?

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