9 Replies
Is this a first time occurrence?
If so you can ignore it, it sometimes happens due to packet loss during an unlucky time
well its been around for more than a week now, i just didnt bother with it
Have you set your config folders to read only perhaps?
let me check
im lost, where is the file at xd
I can’t remember exactly the folder path but you have to go to valorant then saved and config
Somewhere in there you have to choose a folder with a bunch of random characters which is your account id
found the folder, what to do
properties then uncheck read only?
Yup exactly
Make sure the game user settings file is also not set to read only
hm it re-check itself again
Then check the parent folder, i.e the one before it
Anything inside a read-only folder has to be read-only
Make sure riot is closed as well, that may influence it ig