game automatically closing
Ever since the recent update my game has continuously closed on its own multiple times, it takes me a minute to open the game again, which leads me to getting warnings and thankfully not penalties. It doesn't leave an error code when the game closes or anything, I've also heard this has been happening to a lot of people, so I was wondering if there was a way to fix this or if it's a bug. I've also tried updating drivers and changing to window fullscreen but nothing helps.
112 Replies
Is your pc/laptop capable of running the game?
Like is this a hardware issue?
If it's not the above idk
What I usually do is
Reinstall vanguard
Reinstall Valorant
yeah my pc is running everything perfectly fine, but i will definitely try that
i reinstalled everything related to riot and it still happens. please send a ticket to riot so it gets recognized
Riot support
Ok but it's not a potato right
Like at least an i5
mm yeah i sent a ticket right after that, so im just waiting for a response back
did you get a response my game does the same it closed goddamn twice in my comp
no they haven't responded yet
bro screw this
always issues
every time something new
literally ðŸ˜
everything was working fine until the update came and so many problems started happening to my game
+1 literally same issue
Had the same issue yesterday twice, and today i got a Connection error midgame and alot of Lag...never had issues before only since this update
same wtf
game just keeps crashing
says like this

trust they have a lot of other issues like if u have ads on hold sometimes if u hold once or like click it keeps zoming in and out
on top of that shit im def on losers q last act all wins this one is a struggle
just happened again
the interval between crashes is becoming shorter
YES. omg this happens so much
Literally crashed for me just now
new patch available?

oml happens to me every time i op
i just got into comp omg ðŸ˜
a reyna in my game also crashed a few times
wtf is going on with this game
man this is just unlucky
i think my hard drive is broken or smth
no this is riot being unable to fix their game
i'm just tryna grind comp in peace ðŸ˜
earlier today when i restarted PC this happened

I just wanted to play games with my friends and i had a connection error...i panicked harf and had to restart my PC so i was able to get back into Valo
and a few days ago my ping was spiking up to like 800
also valorant is repairing itself at like 1% every 2 minutes

i think imma uninstall val and reinstall on another drive
My ping is always normal...i just have sudden lag spikes when i like droned as Sova
anything with packet loss ?
no thats something different
I had it on Icebox, and Bind, on my Breeze match i dced...idk what Val Code i got as i didnt take a Picture but it was so annoying
what the heck is this

do i just uninstall thru fire explorer then
That idk...
oh well wtv
i hope tmr its im to scared to even play now..
its usually like this but sometimes it becomes 0.1KB/s

doubt it'll fix itself, u should press on repair here or smth

Does it just check if a file or so is wrong? I dont play alot on PC or well never had Issues like this before
it's supposed to actually fix the problem
Well giving it a try wont hurt right?
Lol clicked on it and this came instantly

well its really unreliable ngl
maybe just reinstall if it still doesnt work tomorrow or something
Idk, i never had issues until this patch so...its also my first time i had the connection error. Ifk which VAN Code is common but it was just the connetion etror one, where i had to click on the Quit button and restarted my PC
I think this one didnt happen to me cuz i barely op and it happens to my vandal first tho the fix is putting ads on hold then back to toggle or opposite
Idk about a permanent fix tho
Me this morning after my lovely game closed twice mid comp hahahaha fml not only filling but now this
i have the same problem
friend of mine had the same issue in a swift...ik my friends dont mind that it happends but its annoying and stresses me abit as i panic
i only play unrated but jeez..i just wanna play
uhh idk if thats how it works for u but normally if my game crashes or smth i go to task manager and check if any other unnecessary programs are running
it does that to me
then i force stop it
in my case it was epic games causing all the mess maybe cuz it collided with valorant or something
that happend to me too two days ago, it just closes and i can reopen it normally
i only have disord open when i play valo and my outplayed for capturing my kills
Does that still happen to you?
with my old pc it never happened
well i had a connection error last night in my breeze game and had to restart my pc
funny is, from my friends on i didnt fully dc so i wasnt afk per se
i didnt got a afk warning so idk what caussed the connection error
with this bug i got banned for 111h
111h? thats 4 days? sheesh...
no bro u gotta check it i never ever opened epic games b4 its running in background
did you send a ticket to riot about it?
i dont have epic so idk
that was meant for 8uih
about the ticket
just check it maybe its the problem
its not only with epic
i never had issues before only since this patch
no never
it may be worth to try, i did send one myself about the game closing issue and my sudden connection error
okay i will send tho
hope it works for you
thanks u too
thank youu
this is exactly what's happening to me ðŸ˜
have this issue, reinstalled everything relating to riot twice. Vanguard, Valorant, Riot, even league. My drivers are updated my pc runs valorant perfectly and ever since the update this has been happening on and off. Sometimes I go without 3 games of crashing then I crash 4 times in 30 minutes. Sent a ticket to riot all they said was to reinstall which like i said didnt work
best option is to probably reinstall drivers and factory reset pc
In swift i had no issues rn...may see it when i later go back into unrated...
how did you "fix" it
It may not even an issue from our side but from riot...idk
if thats the case it should be happening to everyone not just the same people but idk
Well many seem to have issues with it atm. Even some of my friends who normally never have issues aswell(its my first time too i have this issue and i dont plsy long yet nor did i had before the new patch)
yeah that true. it doesnt seem riot even thinks it their issue though. like i said all they told me to do was reinstall. did a pretty poor job explaining how to do so aswell
For me they said i should deinstall my anitvirsus(never had issue wirh mine before this patch nor i never dced)
And then said if it happends again use the repair tool link and use that
seems like you had a much better employee than me. can you send me the repair tool link as well
also what antivirus do you use
Uhh i think mine has mcafee? But the like trial time is over and i sometimes get a pop up on deleting it(never did so may do it once ot pops uo again
And i think you can grab the link from the support Website from riot too
i use mcafee and believe im still paying for it so i guess ill try disabling it
lmk how ur unrated goes though
Will do! Need to wait until my friends get on tho
did u fix it ?
how long did u have to wait until they responded ? they still haven't to my ticket
around 30 hours
what antivirus do u use?
they took that long to respond to you o.o
uhh i don't know
yeah lol
he took 23 minute to answer me on the ticket
mine was les then 24h too
I did everything he told me and it didn't work
but they only repiled to my DC issue not to the lag or the closing issue
i think i will reset my pc
factory reset?
keep us updated if that helped
complete reset
yeah let us know if it worked so i know if i should do it too
okay i reset rn
same here, eventho i hate to do it
its okay for me cuz its a new pc i dont have a lot things
before u do it do u mind sending ur specs?
aaah, i have mine in use for like...half a year now, and would need to get a usb or so for the pictures and videos
i have a i5 13400F and rtx 4060
alright so i dont think its a specific gpu or cpu that it is happening to
gl with the reset though