can I please get some help with Val9003
I need help with val9003 I’ve looked for 8 hours nothing has worked
31 Replies
Windows key + r -> tpm.msc
Windows key + r -> msinfo32
Please send images of both so we can better support
I am right now
I was in bios gimme a sec to boot

Thats TPM

That’s system info
Secure boot is off in system Info but enabled in bios
Idk why
Head back into the BIOS, locate CSM support and disable it
It is
I can see the secure boot option
It’s says enabled and below it says not active
Would you like a pic
Yes please

Ignore me lurking
Try switching secure boot mode from standard to custom
And full boot
Should I fully boot now
Or is there more to change
(Restore default keys first)
I'm sorry I'm at work
My response times vary

That one
And I’m going to bed have fun
Goodnight brotha
Ok I did that
Save and exit; then resend the system information
Im booting it again
I’m loading into Val to make sure
Secure boot is on
It’s working
Thank you for your help
gg ez
Another Van 9003 resolved

Discord be breaking again