tech issue

4 Months ago, I run valorant on above 50% cpu usage and got no fps issue, but when I come back to the game, I my valorant is rlly laggy, when I check it's only use like 5-7% cpu usage and above 30% ram, my fps is still the same as 4 months ago ( around 70fps, ) but alot of fps drop to 40-30 fps, sometime almost unplayable, is there any explaination?
4 Replies
としこ ももか
としこ ももかOP13mo ago
No description
としこ ももか
としこ ももかOP13mo ago
Device's Information: CPU: Ryzen 3 3200g Mainboard/Motherboard : a320 pro RAM : 8GB single ram stick
Jidat13mo ago
Try disabling gpu acceleration in discord advanced settings And give high priority to ur val in graphics settings
としこ ももか
としこ ももかOP13mo ago
alr imma try

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