have problem with outgoing packetloss
I’ve tried everything to fix this the only thing I keep having problems with is constant spikes in my outgoing packet loss and fix to this?
75 Replies
What region are you located in?
could be ur router problem
or something else
like the optic cable
in cmd, ping -t
wait for few minutes, then ctrl+c
if u see any packet losses or ping spikes there
contact ur isp
How do I do this
This is what I get from that idk what this means

Is this packetloss relatively new? Some network changes went live last night in EU and the Middle East.
No I’ve been having this problem, and I’m on Nae
then just contact ur isp
u missed -t
This is what I got after using -t

You don't have any pocket loss
Go in game and turn on network details
And make sure you're actually losing packets
I am
How many drop packets are you having
I have constant outgoing packet loss spikes when playing in game
It’s spikes between 30-40%?
That's weird
and super high
It spikes for a second and then goes back down
But it happens over and over
I’ve capped my frames and everything
Your frames would have nothing to do with it
Idk I read it somewhere I’ve been trying anything atp
Are you using a vpn?
Do you have this issue with other games
I’ve checked task manager to see if I was running extra stuff in the background, no
No this so the only game
Have you tried reinstalling
Yea I’ve reinstalled once already
When I first downloaded the game I was having trouble with the download being stuck idk if that is related
Open cmd as admin. Enter each command one by one. netsh int ip reset, ipconfig /release, ipconfig /renew, ipconfig /flushdns, netsh winsock reset
Reset the computer after?
I’ve run these command
Ok I’m restarting I’ll see if this fixes anything
Thank you I’ll will post any updates here
Still getting these spikes a little Less frequent @Saucywan

Show total packet loss

Still spikes whenever I initial a gunfight it’s fine other wise
Show the text of total packet loss

How many times did it spike in that match?
It’s spikes every couple of seconds
44 is basically none
U say it only spikes when u take gun fights?
Not only that but mostly
Sometimes it’s when I walk out of spawn
Huh weird
My packets lost has went up to 96
It’s just keeps going up as I play this unrated
I don't think its a game issue
I mean my internet works on everything else expect valorant
open cmd
Packet loss is a different thing
and type:
ping -t
Iva already done that
I know but keep your game open this time
Let it run in the background
Oh okay my bad
Okay it’s running
After a couple minutes just press control C
Then it will cancel and give you a summary
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This is what I got, been running it since you said to

It looks like you did get pocket loss and the maximum latency is incredibly high
about 3 seconds
Is there something I should do to fix this?
Or steps I can try?
contact ur isp
And just ask why my internet is spiking?
Just that you are receiving packet loss and incredibly high latency (3 seconds or about 3000 ms)
dont ask, tell them
they prob will ask u to do some basic troubleshooting first
after that
if u are still having problems
get back to them
Okay I will give a call now thank you
That file you shared before will that actually help? Heard mixed reviews
likely not on ur case
Btw u have an ethernet cable or nah? @.karma
So don’t waste my time?
Not currently but I should that really be a problem I don’t have an issue with other games
u had issues with google dns and val at a same time
so its likely not a routing issue
maybe somewhere ur router, optic cable or even ur isp end
I have a friend with the same router and he doesn’t have any issues
that doesnt matter
every hw is different lol
Makes sense
I’m going to give them a call if that doesn’t fix it idk what will
i even had problem with the router's firmware
i need them to update for me
their firmware isnt downloadable by public
Hmm I’ve never heard that happen before
Does ur mobo have its own wifi or u r running an external stick?
Own w