Is 29 kills good for someone who downloaded the game a week ago
new to wal and got my best streak yet, am I on the right track?
30 Replies
I don’t know you tell me as a guy who started 3 months ago and I got only about 21 as my max.
ah dayum
like i had a 32 kill yoru against me
Of course you are on the right track man just play a few more games and you’ll probably get even better
just keep playing
ur peak doesnt matter
cuz u will get higher one day
but im scared of regressing yk?
You should just never give up and keep pushing forward that is my advice although I shouldn’t be talking lmao.
the game isnt just about kills
that says nothing
also idk why but when i played a specific song i sweated balls
u can have just 1 kd but have very important impact on the game
Yeah having good comms and movement
wdym by that
i thought it was like ow or cs
same thing in cs
not to the mfers i played against
but do kills rlly say nothing?
I would say val is so much easier than cs because of the movement but the only thing cs is better is spray control.
spread in val without ads is crazy ngl
I mean if you wanna boost your ego sure but to be honest all I can say is that even the least significant pebble can be dangerous if they know how to properly do their roles.
ofc u get alot of kills when u are hard carrying the team
but having alot of kills doesnt mean u are carrying the team
impact kills > some random kills
impact kills?
sorry for not knowin terms-kinda a noob :val_CatBigStare:
I think impact kills is like killing the strongest link in the team in order to be able to push site rather than kill the weakest link and not be able to shit.
for example u got traded, but u killed their best player on their team at the start of the round
so kills for the team?
or killed their controller, initiator
so they have no smokes or easy info
and not for ego or status
Wow even I am learning
ye basically
thats new
ye thats right, play more for the team
and dont overheat
play safely
thanks man!